The King and His Wig

In a Kingdom far away, there lived a King. He had ruled the Kingdom for years and all the people in his Kingdom loved him.
The King was getting old. He had started losing all his hair and he had a bald head. But he did not like his bald head. He felt ashamed and did not like meeting the other Kings from other Kingdoms. They were all young with long hair.
One day, he asked one of his Ministers to find him a good wig. The Minister went to the market the next day and bought the King the most expensive wig. The King wore the wig and stood in front of the mirror. After some time, he said to his Minister, “You have done a good job. This wig fits me well. I am very much grateful to you.”
The King wore the wig everywhere. His people praised his wig and the King felt very much happy about the way he looked.
One day, a King from another Kingdom invited him to hunt in the nearby forest. As he was getting ready for hunting with the other Kings, he wore his wig. He did not want the other Kings to make fun of him.

All the Kings reached the forest and started hunting. Suddenly, a strong breeze came and blew away the King’s wig. All the other Kings started laughing. The King got very embarrassed. But then he joined his friends. He said, “If this tuft of hair could not stay on the head of the person it belonged to, how will it stay on my head?” They all had a hearty laugh and went back to their respective Kingdoms.

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