The Key to Happiness


Prince Morrison had been practising for an archery competition for over a year. The winner’s prize was half the neighbouring kingdom. Unfortunately, the Prince lost the archery competition to his cousin. He could have easily got half of the enemy’s kingdom but he lost that opportunity. Feeling very sad and upset, he went out and sat on the garden bench. ‘Why is life so difficult?’ thought the Prince, ‘Why can’t I get want I want easily?’ Just then, he saw a frog that was hopping around happily. Wondering why the frog was so merry, the Prince looked at it closely. Then, he realised that the frog was simply happy! “If a frog can be filled with happiness despite having nothing, why am I complaining?” wondered the Prince to himself, “Having wealth and status is not the key to happiness. True joy comes from being satisfied with what I have,” the Prince said aloud and went home, feeling cheered up.

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