The Bad Drawings

Lily and her father were cleaning and organising his wardrobe. While clearing out a drawer, Lily came across old sheets of paper with drawings on them. Lily noticed that the drawings were not very good; lines weren’t straight and the colouring was all wrong. She laughed a little at how bad the drawing was and was about to crumple the paper when father dinosaur suddenly stopped her. Surprised at the sudden movement, she asked, “What’s wrong? Don’t you want me to throw these?” Her father gave her a wide smile and said, “Never!” Puzzled, Lily questioned, “These drawings are terrible; why would you still keep them, father?” The father dinosaur squeezed Lilly’s chubby cheeks and said, “Because you drew them silly! They may seem trash to you but are precious to me. Different people have different ideas about what’s valuable.”

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