Satrajit had a brother named Prasenjit, who was very fond of hunting. One day, Satrajit gave the Syamantak gem to Prasenjit. Prasenjit wore that gem around his neck and went to the forest. While hunting in the forest, a lion attacked him and killed him. The lion, which was attracted to the glow of the gem, took it to its cave. On the way, it was killed by a bear named Jambavan. Jambavan took the gem to his cave and gave it to his son to play with. Days passed, and Prasenjit did not return. Satrajit was worried. He started suspecting Krishna of killing his brother for the gem. In order to prove his innocence, Krishna set out to look for Prasenjit and the gem. Soon, Krishna found Prasenjit’s dead body. A lion’s footprints near by led Krishna to the dead body of the lion. On further examination, he found the footprints of a bear near by. Krishna’s curiosity increased. He and his team started following the bear’s footprints.
Syamantak Gem’s Journey