Hanuman left for Dwaraka from Malyanchal to meet Ram. On the other side, Krishna was also getting ready to meet Hanuman. He dressed like Ram and asked Satyabhama to dress like Sita. When Hanuman reached Krishna’s palace, Sudarshan was guarding the palace. It rolled around the palace with all its might. On seeing Hanuman, Sudarshan stopped him authoritatively. But Hanuman was in a hurry to meet his Lord, so he captured the whirling discus and put it inside his mouth and went in. When Hanuman saw Ram, he immediately spluttered out Sudarshan from his mouth and fell at his Lord’s feet. This act of Hanuman shattered Sudarshan’s false pride. After greeting Lord Ram, Hanuman started searching for goddess Sita, but could not find her. He asked Ram, “Lord, where is Mother Sita? Why is this lady dressed like her?” Upon hearing this, Satyabhama realised the greatness of goddess Sita and her false pride was also shattered.