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Cartoon | Colour, Cut and Paste Books

Original price was: ₹80.00.Current price is: ₹79.00.

This Cartoon Colour Cut and paste book is a perfect tool for toddlers and preschoolers. The book is full of fun activities of colouring, cutting and pasting. This is an awesome tool to enhance their creativity and motor skill. This series features fun activity pages that will help children to develop sharpen fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination and enhance their strength and creativity. Each activity when Completed becomes a new creation to play with. Don?t miss gifting this captivating and fun-packed book to your little ones. Order a copy now,

SKU: 978-93-89504-78-1 Category:

This Cartoon Colour Cut and paste book is a perfect tool for toddlers and preschoolers. The book is full of fun activities of colouring, cutting and pasting. This is an awesome tool to enhance their creativity and motor skill. This series features fun activity pages that will help children to develop sharpen fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination and enhance their strength and creativity. Each activity when Completed becomes a new creation to play with. Don?t miss gifting this captivating and fun-packed book to your little ones. Order a copy now,

Dimensions24 × 18 × 1 cm


Binding Attribute


Made of


Number of Pages





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