met Lord Ram during their childhood. Ram was an incarnation of Vishnu. Shiv once desired to see child Ram. ‘If I disguise as a monkey trainer (madari) and visit the court of King Dashrath, I can get close to child Ram,’ thought Shiv. To fulfil his wish, Shiv visited Anjana. He said, “Anjana, I would like to take Hanuman along with me for a few days.” Anjana immediately asked Hanuman to go with Shiv. Child Hanuman was delighted to go, but he kept on repeating, “He and I are one.” Shiv disguised himself as a monkey trainer and took Hanuman to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, Shiv started a monkey show. Hanuman’s clever tricks drew the attention of a lot of people. But when Shiv and Hanuman approached the palace gates, the soldiers stopped them and did not allow them to enter.
Shiv Takes Child Hanuman with Him