Proud Kuber

Kuber, the god of wealth, was very proud of his endless wealth. Bragging about his abundant riches and grandeur, he once invited Shiva and Parvati to his palace to share a meal. He thought they would be impressed by the sight of his splendour and wealth. Shiva and Parvati had a prior commitment, so they had to decline Kuber’s invitation. When Kuber insisted again and again, Shiva told him they would send their son Ganesha for the meal. Kuber was glad to hear that Ganesha would be his guest. “I would love to play host to your son, my Lord. I have riches enough to entertain hundreds of youths like Ganesha,” said Kuber. Ganesha could comprehend that Kuber wanted to boast about his lavish living. He thought of teaching the haughty Kuber a much needed lesson.

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