Nick, the Prankster

Nick was a naughty little Minmi dinosaur who loved to joke around and prank his family and friends all the time. One morning, he decided to prank everyone. Nick got out of his cave and started yelling, “Help, help!” Everyone gathered around; they left everything to rush to his aid, but seeing them stressed Nick started laughing and yelled, “Fooled you!” Nick’s mother warned him not to repeat this again, lest he should be trusted when he actually got in trouble. Nick laughed it all off and repeated the same prank the next day. Upset, his mother tried to make him understand again but all in vain. A few days later, Nick yelled, “Help, help!” He was being chased by a hunter dinosaur, but none paid attention. Somehow Nick escaped and went crying to his mother and apologised. He had learnt his lesson: it is wrong to lie.

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