Napoleon and the Girl

Napoleon was a soldier before becoming the Emperor of France. Once, he and his fellow soldiers stayed near a village. Napoleon loved reading books related to bravery and courage. One day, while Napoleon was engrossed reading a book, a girl teased him, “Are you a ‘timid cat’? All your fellows are playing happily and you are sitting in a corner, like a shy baby.” She laughed and passed by. Napoleon did not respond. After twelve years, Napoleon became the Emperor. One day, he happened to visit the same village. He thought of meeting that girl who had teased him earlier. When Napoleon met her, he asked, “Do you recognise me, Madam?” The girl who had become a mother of two, started thinking deeply. She said, “O Emperor, I think I have met you earlier.” Emperor Napoleon said, “I am the same shy baby, the ‘timid cat’ whom you mocked twelve years back. Madam, the knowledge from those books made me an Emperor today.”

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