Microsoft Corporation

Bill Gates had shown keen interest in computer programming even as a 13 year old student of the Lakeside School of Seattle. No one had imagined then that the teenage lad would become obsession of Bill one day. And the same obsession would make him the king of the corporate world.

Those were the days of struggle

First of all only after creating the language of micro-computer called BASIC and its development Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Then, Bill was in the last year of his teens. The talent of the young boys had been noticed but the industry did not take their Microsoft seriously.
After setting up Microsoft Corporation young Bill dedicated himself to developing Disc Operating System (DOS) as their new and major product. DOS is also known as Basic operating system. Meanwhile, Bill duly registered his enterprise as ‘Microsoft Corporaton’ on November 26, 1976 and ‘Microsoft’ became its trade name. Microsoft BASIC became very popular amongst computer enthusiasts. But very soon Bill realised that their creation had been pirated and its copies in large volumes had been distributed in the market.
In February 1976 Bill through an open letter, with courtesy of MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetery System) declared to the computer amateurs that in future MITS won’t be producing Microsoft BASIC or distributing or effecting any qualitative change until MITS does not aquire the needed rights by paying agreed royalty. The computer users did not like it. Then, Bill was firm on his conviction that the software developers had the right to be compensated. But in 1976 MITS parted ways and Bill continued to make programming language software for various systems under ‘Microsoft’ brand name.
During an interview Bill admitted that during that uncertain period the employees of Microsoft used to work elsewhere as well. So, an order received by an employee on the telephone was not supplied by him. Bill changed it and made it compulsory for an order receiver to pack and despatch the goods as well to the buyer. Bill begn to keep an eye on the business informations and the codes for the first five years. Every line of the code sent by the compay was examined by Bill personally.

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