A demon named Matsar (greedy) wanted to defeat Indra and also conquer all the three worlds. He shared his desire with Shukracharya, the guru of demons, and asked for advice. Shukracharya told him to please Lord Shiva. Matsar performed severe penance by standing on one leg for 10,000 years. Shiva was pleased with his devotion and promised to grant him whatever he desired. Matsar asked for the boon that no human, god or demon should ever defeat him and that he would rule over the three worlds and live gloriously. Shiva granted him his wish. On being granted the boon, Matsar went astray. He started harassing the sages and the gods to the extent that they had to take refuge with Shiva who was quite furious to learn this. He said, “I will punish Matsar for misusing the boon and the resulting powers that I granted him.”