Living in the Moment

Kim, an infant dinosaur, had just started attending the forest dino school. At the school, Kim was learning new things, meeting new people and loving it all. One day, as she walked from the school to her home, she stopped at a small lake to enjoy the beautiful sunset. Deciding to draw the sunset in her notebook, she took out all supplies from her bag. Just then, a big Pteranodon flew really close. Startled, Kim dropped everything from her hands into the water. Everything was drenched, spoilt and floating away. Kim just couldn’t stop crying. The same Pteranodon stopped by seeing Kim cry. He went up to Kim and apologised for scaring her and said, “You wanted to capture the sunset in your notebook and now are missing it by crying over your lost notebook. Value what is there and never feel sorrow over what is lost,” he said and flew away.

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