Lie Detector

The modern lie detector was invented by a medical student in the year 1921 called as John Larson of the University of California. It was also named as polygraph for the instrument measures skin conduc-tivity blood pressure, pulse and respiration, which are commonly suspected to change involuntarily when an individual lies.

It was actually in 1895, that a device similar to lie detector was used in a police case by Cesare Lobroso. Some years before the invention of the modern lie detector, Martson published the second paper on the concept of lie detector in 1915. Furthermore, he also published a book entitled ‘The Lie Detector Test’ in the year 1938, which had the theory and the use of the device. He consisted himself as the ‘Father of Polygraph’ even though his predecessors advanced the project.

After John Larson, Leonarde Keeler carried the research work but the device with highest accuracy was developed by 1945, by John. E. Reid, which also recorded the muscular activity along with cardio-pulmonary recordings.

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