Laksh Vinayak

Tarakasur, armed with Brahma’s boons, was tormenting the gods and the sages. The sages were unable to undertake any pious or religious rituals or do meditation. Sage Narad went to Karttikey (Baal Skand) and told him of the situation regarding the evil doings of Tarakasur. Karttikey was mad with fury. He took his parents’ blessings and charged into the battlefield to slay Tarakasur. Karttikey attacked Tarakasur, but he wasn’t successful. None of his weapons worked on the demon! He was confused. Karttikey returned to Mount Kailash and asked his father for guidance. Shiva told him that he did not worship Omkar Ganesha before stepping into the warfront. That was why he was not successful in slaying the demon. Shiva told Karttikey to pray to Omkar Ganesha and obtain his blessings. Omkar Ganesha appeared before Karttikey immediately after he had chanted ‘Omkar’ for one lakh times (Laksh japnaam). Hence, Ganesha was called ‘Laksh Vinayak’. He gifted him an arrow and his mount peacock. It was with this divine arrow that Karttikey finished off Tarakasur.

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