Once, Sage Narad visited King Janak, who was famous for his wisdom. Looking at his prosperity, Narad told Janak, “It seems like Lord Ganesha has blessed you with a flourishing and peaceful life.” King Janak didn’t think so and gave his honest opinion to Narad. He said, “O Sage, I don’t believe that. It cannot be the blessings of Ganesha.” Narad was quite dismayed. When Ganesha learnt about this, he went to Janak in the guise of an old Brahmin. But the wise Janak immediately realised that the old Brahmin standing in front of him was actually someone divine. The old Brahmin asked for something to eat as he was hungry. King Janak organised a lavish meal for the Brahmin. But the whole food in the palace could not satiate the Brahmin’s appetite. He went on eating everything that came his way and still asked for more. “You promised to feed me! I am still very hungry. Bring me more food,” he said. King Janak felt embarassed when he failed to satisfy the Brahmin’s hunger. The Brahmin said to him, “If you cannot even give me food for a day, why do you call yourself a king?”