Iamatology study of remedies
Iatrarchy government by physicians
Iatrology treatise or text on medical topics; study of medicine
Iatromathematics archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology
Iatrophobia fear of going to the doctor
Ibid The thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part
Ichnography art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
Ichnology science of fossilized footprints
Ichnomancy divination using footprints
Ichthyolatry The worship of fish
Ichthyologist An expert in fishes.
Ichthyology Study of fishes.
Ichthyomancy divination by inspecting fish entrails
Ichthyophagous fish-eating
Icnoclast One who breaks images.
Destroyer of imags, attachen on traditions.
Person against the use of images or Destroyer of images
A destroyer of images.
Persons who criticize or opposes beliefs and practices that are widely accepted
Iconograph Teaching by pictures and models.
Iconography Symbols and images that have a particular meaning, either learned or universal
Iconolator Worshipper of idols or images.
Iconolatry Image-worship
Iconology study of icons; symbols
Iconomancy divination using icons
Iconomania obsession with icons or portraits
Iconophilism a taste for pictures and symbols
Iconophobia fear or hatred of images
Iconostasis screen or partition in Eastern Churches with tiers of icons
Idealism A belief that our experiences of the world consist of ideas
Ideogeny study of origins of ideas
Ideolatry Worship of ideas
Ideology Manner of thinking of a person.
science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour
Ideolory Manner of thinking of a Person.
Idiocracy A personal rule; self-rule
Idiolatry Self-worship; egotism
Idiomology study of idiom, jargon or dialect
Idiopsychology psychology of one’s own mind
Idiosyncrasy Unusual ways in which a particular person behaves or thinks
Having peculiar habit
Idol Favorite – Any person or thing devotedly or excessively admired.
Idolomancy divination using idols
Idolomania obsession or devotion to idols
Idyll Happy and enjoyable scenes or experience
Igloo Eskeemos home shaped hut or native house.
Igneous Of or about fire produced under intense heat.
Ignicolist Someone who worships fire,
Ikebana Japanese flower arranging, that has strict formal rules
Japanese-art of arranging flowers in artistic designs
Ill omened Ill fated – Unlucky
Illegal Contrary to law.
Forbidden or prohibited by law.
Contrary to law.
Illegible Incapable of being read
A writing that cannot be read.
That which cannot be read
Illegitimate Born of parents who were not legally married at that time.
Illicit Unlicensed – unlawful
That is prohibited by law.
Illiterate One who can neither read nor write.
One who doesn’t know how to read and write
A person who cannot read or write.
Imagine Form a picture of something in the mind.
Imago An adult insect.
Imbroglio Complex disputes or arguments
Immemorial Extending back the reach of memory.
Immigrant One who comes to settle in a foreign country.
One who comes to a foreign land to settle there
Imminent That which is likely to happen soon.
Immiscible Incapable of being mined.
Immolation To kill or destroy (someone or something) by fire
Immortal One who cannot die.
Immune Free or exempt from infection.
Immunity Special protection from what is required for most people by law
Immunogenetics study of genetic characteristics of immunity
Immunology study of immunity
Immunopathology study of immunity to disease
Immutable Unchangeable – unalterable – changeless.
Impalpable Incapable of being readily grasped by the mind
Incapable of being perceived by touch.
Impeach Charging an important public figure with a serious crime
Impeachment A charge (a public official) with a crime done while in office
Impenetrable Incapable of being penetrated.
That cannot be penetrated.
Imperceptible Incapable of being perceived by the senses
That cannot be perceived by the senses.
Imperialism Policy of extending a country’s empire and influence.
Impersonate Pretending to be (another person)
Impertinent Not showing proper respect.
Impervious A person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people’s opinions, arguments or suggestions
Impiety Lack of respect or religious reverence.
Impious One who shows lack of respect or religious reference.
Implieit Not fully and clearly expressed implied
Imply Indicate without express statement.
Imponderable That cannot be weighed.
Import Bring in goods from a foreign country.
Imposter Person pretending to be somebody he is not.
Imposture/Cheating Action or practice of imposing fraudulently upon others.
Impotent lacking in sexual power
lacking sufficient strength to do something.
Impracticable incapable of being put into practice
that cannot be put into practice.
Impregnable that which cannot be taken by force.
impossible to enter or capture because of being strongly built
too strong to be overcome or defeated.
Impregnate Cause (a material) to be filled or soaked with something
Imprest Sum of money advanced to a person for a particular purpose
Improbable That which is not likely to happen
Impromptive Made or done without previous preparation – Extemporaneous.
Impromptu Made or done without preparation
Impudent Shamelessly rude.
Failing to show proper respect and courtesy
Impugn Expressing doubts about whether something is right, honest, etc.
Impunity Freedom from punishment.
Freedom from punishment, harm, or loss
In camera A judge’s private room, without the press or the public being present
In lieu Instead of something else
Inaccessible Incapable of being reached.
Inadmissible Incapable of being admitted or allowed.
Inadvertent Not intended or planned
Inane Very silly or stupid
Inanimate Not capable of life
Inattentive Not giving proper attention.
Inaudible That cannot be heard.
That which cannot be heard.
Incapable of being heard.
Inaudible A sound that cannot be heard
Inaugurate Introduce into public use by some formal ceremony.
Inbred Existing as a basic part of a person’s nature or character
Incalculable That which cannot be calculated.
Incarnadine Blood red – crimson – flesh coloured – pale pink.
Incarnation One of a series of lives that a person is believed to have had in the past in some religions
Incendiary Person who maliciously sets fires to buildings or other property.
Producing a fire : causing anger
Inception The time at which something begins
Incessant Continuing without stopping
Incinerate Burn – Reduce to ashes.
Incipient Beginning to develop or exist
Incision Cut made in something
Incognito Travelling under a name other than one’s own.
Ways that prevents other people from finding out who you are
Incombustible Not in flammable.
Incapable of being burnt.
That cannot be burnt.
Incommunicado Not able to communicate with other people
Incompatible Incapable of existing together in harmony.orPerson who cannot work or live together in harmony.
Incompatible Incapable of existing together in harmony.
Incomprehensible That cannot be understood.
Incongruous Strange because of not agreeing with what is usual or expected
Inconsiderate Unmindful of the feelings of others.
Not giving enough thought to other people’s feelings or needs
Inconspicuous Not very easy to see or notice
Incorporeal That which is not composed of matter.
Not composed of matter.
Incorrigible Incapable of being corrected.
Not able to be corrected or changed
One who cannot be corrected.
Incorruptible That cannot be corrupted
lncapable of being breded or prevented.
Incredible Incapable of being believed
That cannot be believed.
Incredulous Not able or willing to believe something
Incriminate Change with a crime or fault.
Incrutable Not composed of matter.
Inculcate Fix firmly in the mind by repetition.
Incumbent Holding of an office – obligatory.
Persons who hold a particular office or position
Incurable That cannot be cured.
Indefatigable Incapable of being tired.
Indefatigable One incapable of being tired
Indefensible That cannot be defended.
Incapable of being defended.
Indelible That cannot be erased or removed.
Indemnity Promising to pay for the cost of possible damage, loss, or injury
Compensation for loss.
Independent That which exists or acts separately from other people.
Indescribable That which is impossible to describe adequately
Indestructible That cannot be destroyed.
incapable of being dispensed with.
that cannot be done without.
Indictment An act of officially charging someone with a crime
An official written statement charging a person with a crime
Indifferent Having no interest.
Indigenous Belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else
Indignant Angry at injustice.
Indignation Anger caused by something that is unfair or wrong
Indiscreet Not having or showing good judgment
Indispensable That cannot be done without.
Incapable of being divided.
Indispensable That which cannot be done without.
Indisputable/Incontrovertible That cannot be disputed.
Inditible Impression (of pen – pencil etc.) which can be removed.
Indivisible That cannot be divided.
Incapable of being exhausted
That cannot be exhausted.
Indivisualism Principle or habit of independent thought or action.
Indolent Not liking to work or be active
Indomitable Impossible to defeat or discourage
Induction Formal acts or the process of placing someone into a new job, position, government office,
Inedible/Uneatable Not fit to be eaten
That which is not fit to be eaten.
Ineffable/Inexpressible/Unaccountable Incapable of being expressed in words
That cannot be expressed in words.
Too great, powerful, beautiful, etc., to be described or expressed
Inefficacious Not producing the desired effect
Ineligible Incapable of being selected for a job.
Ineradicable That which cannot be rooted out.
Inert Unable to move
Inescapable Not to be escaped from.
That which cannot escaped from.
Inestimable Too precious or great to be estimated.
Inevitable Sometimes which cannot fail to come to pass.
Something that is sure to happen
Inexcusable Incapable of being justified or excused
That cannot be justified or excused.
Inexhaustible that cannot be exhausted.
Incapable of being explained or accounted for
That cannot be explained or accounted for.
Inexorable Not able to be stopped or changed
Inexplicable/Unaccountable Incapable of being destroyed
That cannot be destroyed.
That cannot be explained or accounted for.
That which cannot be explained.
Inexplicit That cannot be definitely or clearly expressed incapable of being destroyed.
Incapable of being definitely or dearly expressed.
Inextinguishable That cannot be put out or extinguished.
Infallible One who is exempted from liability to error.
One who does not make mistakes.
That which is incapable of errings.
Certain to work properly or succeed
Incapable of doing wrong
One who is exempted from liability to error.
Incapable of failure or error
Infant Child during the earliest period of its life.
Infanticide Murder of a new -born child.
Killing/Killer of a king
Murder of a king
The killing of an infant
Killing of an infant
Infantocracy government by an infant
Infantry Soldiers who fight on foot.
Infatuation Foolish love.
Feelings of foolish or very strong love or admiration for someone or something
Infection Communication of disease by agency of air or water.
Infectious Spreading by infection.
Infelicity The thing that is inappropriate, especially a remark or expression
Inference Conclusion or opinions that are formed because of known facts or evidence
Infidelity An act or fact of having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than one’s husband, wife, or partner
Infirmary Places where sick people stay and are cared for in a school, prison, summer camp
Inflammable That can be easily set on fire.
Capable of being easily set on fire.
Inflammable Something that catches fire quickly and easily
Inflammation Swelling of a Part of the body.
Condition in which a part of one’s body becomes red, swollen, and painful
Inflation Continual increase in the price of goods and services
Influenza Infectious disease with fever and muscular pain.
Influx Arrival of a large number of People
Infomania excessive devotion to accumulating facts
Infrastructure Basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly
Ingredient One of the parts of a mixture.
Inhabitant Persons or animals that live in a particular place
Inherent Belonging to the basic nature of someone or something
Inimitable Some kind of method that cannot be imitated.
Initiative Introductory act or step.
Injudicious Showing lack of judgement.
Injunction Judicial process or order to stop something.
Inmate Persons who are kept in a prison or mental hospital
Innocent Not guilty of a crime or sin.
Innuendo Statement which indirectly suggests that someone has done something immoral, improper
Inpatient Patient who is lodged, fed and treated in a hospital.
Inpenetrable That which cannot be passed through.
Inquest /Inquisition Legal or judicial enquiry to find out faults.
Inquisitive Fond of inquiring into other people’s affairs.
Inroad Forcible or serious encroachment.
Insatiable That cannot be satisfied.
Insatiable That which cannot be satisfied.
Inscription Words that are written on or cut into a surface
Inscrutable Not easily understood.
Insecticide Substance that kills insects.
Insecticide Killing of insects
Insectivorous plants eating insects
Insectology study of insects
Insignia Badge or distinguishing mark of an office.
Symbols, badges or signs that show somebody’s rank or that they are a member of a group or an organization
Insinuate Suggest indirectly.
Insolation The sun’s energy
Insoluble That which cannot be dissolved in liquid.
Insolvent/Bankrupt One who lays to much emphasis on book learning.
One who is unable to pay his debts
Insomnia Want of sleep.
Inability to fall asleep.
Inspiration Inhalation taking fair into lungs – stimulus.
Install Place somebody in a new position of power.
Instantaneous Done in an instant.
Happening in an instant.
Instigator One who instigates.
Instinct Natural tendency.
Insuremountable That which cannot be surmounted.
Insurgency Usually a violent attempt to take control of a government
Insurmountable Impossible to solve or get control of: impossible to overcome
Insurrection Rising in arms against an established government.
Usually a violent attempt to take control of a government
Intaglio Engraved designing on a plate surface
Intangible That which cannot be perceived by touch.
Intangible Not made of physical substances : not able to be touched
Intangible That which cannot be perceived by touch.
Integrity Honesty and uprightness of character.
Quality of being honest and upright in character.
Integrity Qualities of being honest and fair
Quality of being honest and upright in character.
Integumentary Related to the tough outer protective layer, especially that of an animal or plant
Intellect Reasoning power of the mind.
Intellectual Interested in things of the mind.
Intelligentsia Intellectual class
Intelligent and educated class of society.
Intensive Deep and thorough.
Intercede Mediate between two parties in a dispute.
Plead to obtain a favour.
Intercede Mediate between two parties in a dispute.
Plead to obtain a favour.
Intercept To check or stop-on way.
Carefully saved and guarded money/store of money.
Interdiction Prohibition prevention from participation acts.
Interface Places or area at which different things meet and communicate with or affect each other
Interim Order An order for the intervening period; provisional order
Interjection A word exclamation
Interlocutor One who takes part in a discussion or dialogue.
Persons who takes part in a dialogue or conversation.
Interment An act of burying a dead person
Intermittent Starting, stopping, and starting again
Intern Students or recent graduates who work for a period of time at a job in order to get experience
Internecine Occurring between members of the same country, group, or organization
Internment Confinement during wartime : the act of confining someone in a prison (or as if in a prison): placing private property in the custody of an officer of the law
Internuncio messenger between two parties; low-ranking papal legate
Interpellate Interrupt the proceedings and demand a statement of explanation from.
Interpolate Make (sometimes misleading) additions to & book.
Intersperse Scatter things among others
Place here and there.
Intervene Come between (others) in time.
Intervenor Who becomes involved in a lawsuit as a third party.
Interviewer One who interviews.
Interxist Medical student receiving training in a hospital.
Intestate Not having made a will
One who dies without a will
Intimate Close and familiar.
Intinction administering communion by dipping bread into wine
Intractable That which cannot be controlled easily.
Intransigent Completely unwilling to change
Intrigue Make or carry out secret Planning.
Making (someone) want to know more about something
Intrinsic Belonging to a thing by its very nature.
Introit psalm or hymn sung at beginning of Church service
Introspect Examine one’s own thoughts and feelings.
Introspection Examination of self thought or feeling.
Act or process of looking inward
To contemplate on one’s own thoughts and conduct
Intruder Persons who are not welcome or wanted in a place
Intuition Something that is known or understood without proof or evidence
Inundate Cause (someone or something) to receive or take in a large amount of things at the same time
Inveigh Protesting or complaining about (something or someone) very strongly
Inventory Detailed list of household goods, furniture, etc.
Inversion The change in the position, order, or relationship of things so that they are the opposite of what they had been
Invertebrate An insect which lays many eggs.
Inveterate Always or often happening or existing
Invination presence of Christ’s blood in sanctified wine
Invincible That which cannot be defeated.
Impossible to defeat or overcome
Invincible/Unconquerable Incapable of being conquered/overcome.
Invisible That cannot be seen.
That which cannot be seen.
Invisible Incapable of being seen
Invisible A thing that cannot be seen
Invrtibrate Without a backbone without strength of characters.
Invulnerable That which cannot be wounded or damaged.
Incapable of being wounded.
Impossible to harm, damage, or defeat
Invulnerable Incapable of being wounded or damaged
Ionosphere Ionosphere extends to a height of 50 to 400 miles about the earth.
Ireevocable A decision on which one cannot go back.
Irenology the study of peace
Iridology study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
Irony The use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny
Irreconcilable Incapable of being reconciled.
Irrecoverable That cannot be recovered or regained.
Incapable of being recovered or regained
Irrelevant having no connection with the subject at issue.
Irreparable That cannot be repaired.
Incapable of being repaired
Irrevocable Something which cannot be retracted or withdrawn
Irrupt Entering or appearing somewhere suddenly and with a lot of force
Isobar Lines on a weather map that join places that have the same air pressure at a particular time
Isobel Is a contour lines of equal rainfall.
Isocracy equal political power
Isometric Physical exercises in which muscles are made to work without the whole body moving
Isonym Word having the same derivation or form as another
Isotherm Lines on a weather map that join places that have the same temperature at a particular time
Isotope Various forms in which the atoms of a chemical element can occur
Isthamas A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses.
Itinerary Plan for or details of or records of a journey.
Plans of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit
Detailed plan for a journey
Itinerate One who journeys from place to place.
Itrmour Abnormal growth in some part of the body.

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