Habeas Corpus secure the person’s release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention
Habromania insanity featuring cheerful delusions
Hackneyed Not interesting, funny, etc., because of being used too often
Haemarrhage Escape of blood to the ruptures of brood vescles inside the body.
Haemataulics study of movement of blood through blood vessels
Haematology Science of blood.
Haemophilia hereditary disease causing excesssive bleeding
Haemophobia The fear of blood
Hagiarchy government by saints or holy persons
Hagiocracy government by holy men
Hagiolatry The worship or reverence for saints
Hagiology Study of literature dealing with lives of saints.
relating to kings Hagiographic.
Study of mankind
study of saints
Hagiomania mania for sainthood
Hagioscope opening in wall to enable viewing of altar
Hailstorm A storm during which small balls of ice fall from the sky
Halcyon A period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful
Halieutics study of fishing
Hallucination Something that seems real but does not really exist
Halomancy divination using salt
Halophilous tolerant of salt or salt-water
Hamarchy government by a cooperative body of parts
Hamartiology study of sin
Hamlet Clusters of houses in a village.
Hamlet Very small villages
Hanap chalice used in communion whose cover is a second chalice
Handicraft Art or craft needing; skill with hand.
Hangar Building where aircrafts are kept
Hanky-panky Behaviour, in particular sexual or legally dubious Behaviour; considered improper but not seriously so
Hara-kiri Ritual suicides by cutting open one’s stomach with a sword
Harangue Forceful or angry speeches
Harbinger Something or somebody that foretells the coming of something or somebody.
Harbinger Something that shows what is coming
Harbor Places of safety and comfort
Hardliner Having very fixed beliefs and being unlikely or unwilling to change them
Harem Houses or part of a house in which the women of a Muslim household live
Harmonics study of musical acoustics
Haruspication divination by inspecting animal entrails
Harvest Cutting and gathering of grain.
Hassock kneeling cushion in a Church
Hasten Move or act with speed.
Haute couture Business of making fashionable and expensive clothes for women
Haven Places where you are protected from danger, trouble
Havoc Wide spread violence.
Hearsay Something heard from another person
Hearse Vehicle for carrying a dead body.
Hearsecloth cloth lain over coffin during funeral
Heatwave A prolonged period of abnormally hot weather
Hecatontarchy government by one hundred people
Heckle Interrupt and ask troublesome questions.
Hedge Ways of protecting oneself against the loss of something
Hedonics part of ethics or psychology dealing with pleasure
Hedonism Belief that pleasure is the chief end.
A belief that pleasure is the highest good
Hedonist One who believes that pleasure is the chief end.
Hedonomania A compulsive pursuit of pleasure
Hegemony Influence or control over another country, a group of people
Heirarchy Any system of persons or things passed on to other.
Heirloom Thing that is handed down in a family for several generations.
Heiroglyphic Pictographic script.
Helcology study of ulcers
Heliolatry Worship of the Sun
Heliology science of the sun
Heliophilous preferring or attracted to the sunlight
Heliophobia fear of sunlight
Helioseismology study of sun’s interior by observing its surface oscillations
Hellenomania obsession with Greece and the Greeks; raecomania
Helminthology study of worms
Helter-skelter In a confused and careless way
Hematology study of blood
Hematomancy divination using blood
Hemline Bottom edge of a dress, skirt, or coat
Henchman Faithful supporter.
The trusted follower or supporter who performs unpleasant, wrong, or illegal tasks for a powerful person
Hendecarchy government by eleven people
Henism A doctrine that there is only one kind of existence
Heortology study of religious feasts
Hepatology study of liver
Hepatoscopy divination by examining animal livers
Heptarchy government by seven people
Herald Be a sign of (something that is beginning to happen or will happen soon)
Heraldry study of coats of arms
Herbicide Killing of plants
Herbivore That which eats grass.orPlant eater – hoofed mamals.
Herbivore/Herbivorous That which eats grass.
Herbivorous Animals eating herbs.
eating only plant matter
Herculean Having enormous strength or size.
Heredity Tendency of living things to pass their characteristics on to offspring.
Heresiology study of heresies
Heresy Belief or opinion contrary to what is accepted.
official belief or opinion of a particular religion
Hereticide Killing of heretics
Heriditary Pass on from one generation to another.
Heritage That which has been or may be inherited.
Hermit Persons who live in a simple way apart from others especially for religious reasons
Heroarchy government by heroes
Herpetology study of reptiles and amphibians
Herpetophobia fear of reptiles
Hetaerocracy government by paramours
Heterarchy government by a foreign ruler
Heterogeneous Made up of parts that are different
Heteronym Words having same spelling but different sound and meaning
Hexametromania mania for writing in hexameter
Hgumene head of a nunnery
Hiatus Gap – Missing part – Break in continuity – Iacuna.
Periods of time when something (activities or programs) are stopped
Hibernate To spend the winter in a dormant state.
Hidonist One who devotes himself to pleasure
Hierarchy Organization with grades of authority.
Systems, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest
government by a ranked body; government by priests
Hieratical priestly; bound by religious convention
Hierocracy government by priests or religious ministers
Hierolatry Worship of saints or sacred things
Hierology science of sacred matters
Hieromachy fight or quarrel between priests
Hieromancy divination by studying objects offered in sacrifice
Hieromania pathological religious visions or delusions
Hieromonach monk who also serves as a priest
Hierophobia fear of sacred things
Hieroscopy divination using entrails
Hijacking The robbery of a traveler or vehicle in transit or seizing control of a vehicle by the use of force
Hinterland Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s bank.
An area that is not close to any cities or towns
Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s bank.
Hipparchy rule or control of horses
Hippiatrics study of diseases of horses
Hippology the study of horses
Hippomancy divination using horses
Hippophagy feeding on horses
Hippophile lover of horses
Histology study of the tissues of organisms
Histopathology study of changes in tissue due to disease
Historic Well known or important in history
Historical That which is related to history.
Historiography study of writing history
Historiology study of history
History Study of ancient societies.
Histrionic Too emotional or dramatic
Histrionics Acting – Artificial behavior or speech done for effect.
Hitchhike To travel by asking for free rides in other people’s cars
Hive Artificial centre for honey bees.
Hoard Carefully saved and guarded money/store of money.
Careful preservation and protection.
Hobby Activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation.
Hobnob Spending time with someone (such as a famous or wealthy person) in a friendly way
Hocus-pocus Language or behaviour that is nonsense and is intended to hide the truth from people
Hodge-Podge Heterogeneous mixture – Jumble.
Hodomania A compulsion to travel
Holistic Relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts
Holobaptism belief in baptism with total immersion in water
Holocaust Large scale destruction by fire.
A sacrifice totally concerned by fire -Devastation.
Events or situations in which many people are killed and many things are destroyed especially by fire
Holocaust Large scale destruction by fire.
Holography Making of true – three dimensional photographs by use of laser beams.
Three-dimensional photography using split laser beam
Holster Leather case for a pistol or revolver.
Homage Something that is done to honor someone or something
Homely Not beautiful – unattractive – plain.
Homichlophobia fear of fog
Homicide Killing/Killer of a human being.
The killing of a human being by another human being
Homicidomania A compulsion to commit murder
Homiletics The art of preaching
Homnivorous eating humans
Homo sapiens Species of human beings that exist today
Homogeneous Consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type
Things which are of the same kind and of the same dimensions.
Homolegomena books of the Bible used in early Christianity
Homologous Corresponding having same or similar relation.
Homonym Words that are spelled and pronounced like another words but are different in meaning
Words having the same sound but different meanings
Homophile one who prefers the company of the same sex; a homosexual
Homophobia fear of homosexuals
Homophone Word pronounced the same as, but different in meaning spelled the same way hood.
Homosexual Sexually attracted to people of the same sex
Honorarium An amount of money paid for a service
Honorary Performed without pay.
Unpaid work.
Conferred as an honour
Honorary Work for which no salary is paid
A post without remuneration
Unpaid work
Honorary Work for which no salary is given.
Hooch An alcoholic liquor especially when it is cheap or made illegally
Hooligan Usually a young man who does noisy and violent things as part of a group or gang
Hope Look forward to.
Hoplarchy The government by the military
Hoplology the study of weapons
Horizon Line at which the earth and the sky seem to meet.
Horography art of constructing sundials or clocks
Horologist One who studiest the art of clock making.
Horology Science of time.
science of time measurement
Horoscope An advice and future prediction based on the date of a person’s birth and the positions of the stars and planets
Horticulture Art of growing vegetables, fruit, flowers.
An Art of garden cultivation.
study of gardening
Hospitable Fond of entertaining guests.
Hospitality Receiving or treating guests or strangers warmly and generously.
Generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests
Hostage Persons given to another as pledge.
Persons who are captured by someone who demand that certain things be done before the captured person is freed
Hostess Woman who entertains guests.
Hound Dog used for hunting and racing.
Housel the Eucharist; the act of taking the Eucharist
Hubbub Situations in which there is much noise, confusion, excitement, and activity
Hullabaloo Clamorous noise or disturbance – Uproar.
Humanism Devotion to human interests.
Humanist Person who works for the welfare of human beings.
Humanitarian One who feels sympathetic towards human beings
Humanitarianism A doctrine that the highest moral obligation is to improve human welfare
Humanities Branches of learning concerned with literature, history and philosophy.
Hunchback Back in which the spine is curved in an abnormal way
Hung Assembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majority
Hurricanes The extremely large, powerful, and destructive storms with very strong winds
Hybernation Condition of sleep during certain parts of the year.
Hybrid Anything derived from heterogeneous sources.
Hydnography Description of oceans and lands and the oceans.
Hydraulics Study of water or other liquid in Motion.
Hydrobiology study of aquatic organisms
Hydrodynamics study of movement in liquids
Hydrogeology study of ground water
Hydrographer one who knows the positions of lands and draws the maps.orOne who knows the positions of lands.
Hydrography study of investigating bodies of water
Hydrokinetics study of motion of fluids
Hydrology study of water resources
Hydromancy divination using water
Hydromania An irrational craving for water
Hydrometeorology study of atmospheric moisture
Hydrometer Instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.
Hydropathy study of treating diseases with water
Hydrophilous loving or preferring water
Hydrophobia Fear of water.
It is usually caused by the bite of mad dog.
Rabies disease (Dog’s bite) disease of water.
Hydrophone Instrument used for recording sound under water.
Hydroponics Culture of plants without soil, with the help of chemical, solutions containing nutrients.
Hydrostatics Relating to water.
Hydrotropic Turning towards or away from moisture.
Hyetology science of rainfall
Hygeiolatry Excessive devotion to health
Hygiastics science of health and hygiene
Hygiene Science of healthy living.
Hygienics study of sanitation; health
Hygiology hygienics; study of cleanliness
Hygrology study of humidity
Hygrometer Instrument used for measuring humidity in air.
Hygrometry science of humidity
Hygrophilous preferring or living where there is an abundance of moisture
Hylomania An excessive tendency towards materialism
Hylophagous eating wood
Hymn Song in praise of god.
Hymnal collection of Church hymns
Hymnody hymns collectively; hymn singing
Hymnography study of writing hymns
Hymnology study of hymns
Hypemym Word representing a class of words or things
Hyper gamy An action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class
Hyperanarchy condition of extreme anarchy
Hyperarchy excessive government
Hyperbaton An inversion of the normal order of words, especially for the sake of emphasis
Hyperbola Curve with two distinct and similar branches.
Hyperbole Language that describes something as better or worse than it really is
Hypercirticism Ver micro criticism, Deep criticism.
Hyperdulia veneration of the Virgin Mary above saints and angels
Hyperphagia eating too much
Hypertension Abnormally high blood pressure.
Hypnology study of sleep; study of hypnosis
Hypnomancy divination using sleep
Hypochondria Unusual or excessive concern about one’s health
Hypochondria Imaginary ailments.
Hypocricy Pretence of having a virtuous character.
Hypocricy Pressing or rubbing the body in order to lessen pain.
Behaviour in which somebody pretends to have moral standards or opinions that they do not actually have
Hypocrite Person who pretends to be virtuous.
One who pretends to be what he is not
Hypotension Abnormally low blood pressure.
Hypothesis Ideas or theories that are not proven but that leads to further study or discussion
Hypsography science of measuring heights
Hypsophobia fear of high places
Hysteric Persons who behave or react in an extremely or foolishly emotional way

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