16. Homeopathic Treatment of Asthma

Homeopathy is based on symptm simulation. There are many drugs which prove deveficial in Asthama.
Give 5-6 drops in water when Ipecac, Ars or Lobelia have failed to yield results. It is best when cough, at first, is dry; later on cough with excessive expectoration; wheezing sound from the chest; pain and sense of constriction in the chest, noise with chest; loss of voice, on ascending during rest and while moving in the open air; when sweat appears and when head is lowered. Voice unsteady, partial paralysis of vocal cords, Sore chest walls; even profuse mucus difficult to raise up; feeling as if lungs were forced back to spine. Also useful when cough ends up in a sneeze.
Blata Orient-Q
Give 5-6 drops in water, either just before appearace of symptoms, on the outset or even during attack. It will shorten asthmatic attack’s duration and give relief. Asthma with bronchitis. Cough with laboured breathing Pthisis. Mucus resembles like pus. Suited best to robust, stout and obese (fat) persons. Stop its use when improvement is seen, otherwise it will cause recurrence of symptoms.
Lobelia Inflat-Q
Any exertion by rapid walking; feeling as if heart would stop beating; sensation of weight and pressure on the chest; Asthmatic attacks with much weakness—especially felt in pit of stomach and preceeded by prickling all over. Cramps, dyspnoea from constriction of chest; Ringing cough and short breath; catches his throat to seek relief. emplysema of the aged person—after use of tobacco. Towards evening and from warmth. Dose same as for above-mentioned medicines.
Eridictyon-Q or 3x
Asthma relieved by expectoration; Bronchial pthisis, with night sweats and emaciation, cough after influenza; wheezing sounds; coryza; dull pain in right lung. Appetite poor and defective digestion. Whooping cough symptoms.
Give 5-20 drops in water, according to severity of symptoms. Avoid repeating quiete often.
Enlarged and ulcerated and inflamed throat and tonsils. Asthma with dyspnoea and palpitation. Moist Asthma, expectoration white and mucus thick. Bronchial affections of old people. Profuse muco-pus expertoration which is of offensive character. Irritative cough. Whooping cough (expecially of rachitic children). Foetid form of bronchitis; bronchial dialation and emplysema.
Spread 4-5 drops on a piece of cotton or some cloth (say handkerchief) and let the patient inhale. Some mother tincture may also be orally taken, as and when felt necessary (8-10 drops in water).
When an attack of asthma has abated, it is better to place the patient under treatment and close supervision of qualified physician whose services and advise should be freely and easily available in both acute (emergent) stages and for inter-paroxysinal treatment.

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