Healthy is Beautiful

Grace was a Gallimimus dinosaur. With long necks, thin limbs and perfect snouts Gallimimus dinosaurs were considered to be very good looking dinosaurs. Amongst their species, there was always a competition about who was better looking and Grace worked really hard to be better than the rest. As a fully grown Gallimimus dinosaur, Grace should ideally hunt every day, but she chose not to. Hunting once in 2-3 days, Grace ate very little, just to maintain the thin limbs. The annual Gallimimus dinosaur beauty contest was held and Grace was badly defeated in it. Her beauty was not appreciated; she was denounced for being unhealthy. To be told that she wasn’t beautiful hit Grace hard and she realised how she had been compromising on her health by not eating proper meals and that obviously took her beauty away. Determined, she soon got her health back; the beauty returned automatically.

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