Haroon Al-Rashid and the Three Poets

One night, Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid became restless and turned many sides for a sound sleep, but to no avail. He then started walking down the aisle of his palace, and came across a barmaid overcome with wine.

Her singular beauty attracted the Caliph who then asked her if they could spend the night together, to which the damsel refused and sought his permission for the following night as she was not prepared.

Next morning, the Caliph sent her a page that he was going to visit her apartment any time sooner in the daytime instead at night. He then asked his courtiers to make some verses for him to express his feelings for the girl. Thereafter, three poets Al-Rakashi, Abu Musab and Abu Nowas made a few couplets centred on the promise of night that had been effaced by day.

The Caliph rewarded both Al-Rakashi and Abu Musab handsomely, but ordered to behead Abu Nowas, saying that he was with them last night in the palace. Abu Nowas clarified that he was at his own house and that he wrote the couplets as per the Caliph’s instructions. Realizing his honesty, the Caliph forgave him and rewarded him a lot of money.

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