Hanuman proceeded to complete his task. He was zooming over the sea, when suddenly Sursa, the huge snake demoness, obstructed his path. Sursa thundered, “O monkey! The gods must have sent you to satisfy my hunger. So, get into my mouth!” Hanuman politely requested her to allow him to complete his mission first. “When it is done, I will come back to you. You can then eat me,” he said. Sursa was furious. She opened her mouth wide. Hanuman too increased his size. This went on till Sursa’s mouth was as big as a giant! Hanuman immediately took the form of a bee. He then entered her mouth and came out of it in a trice. Hanuman bowed before Sursa and said, “Mother, I have done as you wished. Now let me go!” Sursa was so impressed with Hanuman’s intelligence and politeness that she blessed him to be successful in his mission.
Hanuman Outwits Sursa