The war of Lanka resumed. Battle cries and the beat of the war drums filled the skies. A demon named Dhumraksh was heading the demon army that day. He fought in desperation, but Hanuman killed him. Mahodar was the next demon general. Hanuman sprang on him with a thundering roar and fought ferociously. He slashed Mahodar into pieces. One by one, all the demon generals were killed. Meanwhile, Ravan woke his younger brother Kumbhkarn up from his deep sleep and sent him to the battlefield. Vibheeshan told Ram that the gigantic demon was his elder brother Kumbhkarn and a mighty fighter. Hanuman led the monkeys to the warfront and surrounded Kumbhkarn from all sides. They attacked him with huge boulders and trees. But Kumbhkarn was least affected by all this. Wild with rage, Hanuman gave a hard punch. Kumbhkarn swayed slightly on his feet. He instantly recovered and struck so hard that Hanuman fell to the ground unconscious.
Hanuman Kills Demons