Green Beard (Lithuania)

Green Beard (Lithuania)

Once in a city, there lived a very wealthy merchant. He had a very beautiful daughter who wished to marry a man who possessed green beard. In the forests near the city, lived twenty-four robbers. Their captain dyed his beard green. On listening the girl’s desire he then went to marry the merchant’s daughter. The girl liked him and his green beard, and their marriage was fixed. Before wedding, he invited her to his great mansion in the forest. Next day, she went into the forest and found no mansion but only a small house with two lions chained near the door. She went inside and saw a little bird in a cage who told her that the robbers were human-eaters. So, she lay down under the bed. When the robbers came home and fell asleep, she escaped. The lions began to roar loudly and awakened the robbers. But the girl reached home safely. Next day, the robbers went again to rob the merchant and kidnap his daughter. But the merchant’s men captured them all and put in prison. The girl no longer showed any desire for green beard.

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