Ganesha Turns Durasad into a Statue

The gods decided to take Lord Ganesha’s help to deal with Durasad. So, they went to Mount Kailash and explained him the situation. “Help us, O Lord; you are our only hope against Durasad. You, alone, can destroy him,” they said. Ganesha promised them that he would kill the evil demon. Ganesha then went to Mukund. He challenged Durasad for a fight. Durasad accepted the challenge. A violent fight ensued. Durasad fought with Ganesha, using all his powers to defeat him. But all his weapons and powers were of no use. Ganesha could not be defeated! Soon Durasad understood that the invincible one he was fighting against was Lord Ganesha himself. But by this time, Ganesha hit him with his mace. Durasad instantly became a statue! The inhabitants of heaven and earth were delighted to be free of the demon’s wickedness.

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