There are many legends related to Ganesha’s marriage. According to one legend, Ganesha had told his parents that in spite of winning the race and the decision that he could marry first, he did not want to get married. He was happy eating sweet rice-cakes and playing with his mouse. On the other hand, there was a girl named Tulsi who lived in Gokul. She had always worshipped Ganesha and wanted to marry him. But Ganesha showed his disinterest in the proposal. One day, Ganesha was in deep meditation. At that time, Tulsi approached him and tried to disturb him. Ganesha was not happy to lose his concentration. He was extremely angry with Tulsi. So he cursed her and said, “Go away! You shall marry a demon, not me!” Tulsi felt insulted, so she too cursed Ganesha, “You do not want to marry me; that is fine. But soon, you shall get married against your wishes and you shall not be able to meditate!” Soon, Ganesha got married to a girl named Pushti (fulfilment).
Ganesha Marries against His Will