Ganesha Dropped from Vishnu’s Wedding

Vishnu was perplexed. He told the gods that he had already invited Ganesha to his wedding and he could not stop him from accompanying them now. But the gods had already hatched a plot. “Please tell Ganesha that the demons could seize heaven if they come to know that it is empty. Flatter him about his strength and make him guard heaven while we are away.” Vishnu did not want to leave Ganesha behind, but he agreed under the pressure from the gods. He told Ganesha to stay back and guard heaven. Ganesha was hurt. He had earnestly wanted to attend Vishnu’s wedding, but he had to sit all alone in heaven. Now Sage Narad, who loved to stir up trouble, came to Ganesha and told him about the plan of the gods. Ganesha flew into a rage when he realised how the gods had plotted against him, preventing him from attending Vishnu’s wedding. He vowed to take revenge!

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