Vishnu was once cursed by a woman named Vrinda. Vrinda was Jalandhar’s wife. Jalandhar was a powerful demon born out of Shiva’s anger. Vrinda’s curse turned Vishnu into a stone form, named Shaligram. The stone form of Vishnu gave rise to a demon named Kama. Kamasur performed deep penance and pleased Shiva. He asked for a boon of becoming a victorious king. He then conquered heaven, earth and the netherworld. After becoming the ruler of the universe, he married Trishna, the daughter of Mahishasur. Kamasur continued creating havoc all over the world. He stole the wealth of the gods and kept them in prison. The fearful gods prayed to Ganesha who took the form of Vikat. Vikat rode a peacock and his eyes emitted sun-rays. Vikat and Kamasur had a fierce battle. Kamasur’s teacher had once told him that a god who would be riding a peacock would defeat him. Remembering this, Kamasur fell at Vikat’s feet and asked for forgiveness.