Face Your Fears

Abby, a young Albalophosaurus dinosaur, lived near a huge mountain range. Every day, Abby’s family would hike the tall mountains in search for food, but Abby never joined them. Scared of heights, she chose to wait at home for her family instead of joining them. One evening when Abby’s family had still not returned, she started worrying. ‘They always returned before sunset,’ she thought. She waited a few hours and then decided to go looking for them. Reaching the foot of the mountain she called out, “Mom, Dad!” But no one responded. Scared and worried for her family, she decided to climb the mountain. Once she reached the peak, she was welcomed by them all. Abby turned around and looked down the range only to realise that she’d climbed the height and nothing happened. This was her family’s plan. They wanted her to triumph over her fear of height.

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