Earmark Marks or qualities that shows what something is or what it could be
Earthquake Shaking of a part of the earth’s surface that often causes great damage
Earth’s Atmosphere Is covering of air which surrounds of earth.
Eatable/Edible Fit to be eaten.
Eavesdropper One who witnesses secretly to private conversation.
Ebullient Situated on the abdominal side.
Eccentric Man of odd habits.OrPerson with abnormal or unconventional behaviour.
That which is not placed centrally.
Eccentric man of odd habits.
Eccentric one whose behaviour is abnormal or unconventional
person with abnormal or unconventional behaviour.
One who has strange habits
Ecclesiarchy government by clerics or cclesiastical authorities
Ecclesiastry affairs of the Church
Ecclesiolatry To have excessive devotion to Church tradition and form
Ecclesiology study of Church affairs
Ecclisiologist One who studies the science relating to the church.
Eccrinology study of excretion
Ecdemomania A compulsion to wander
abnormal compulsion for wandering
Eclectric Persons with unusual or odd personality.
Eclogue A pastoral poem.
Eco phobia Fear of home surroundings.
Ecocide Destruction of the environment
Ecology Science of the habits of living things in relation to their environment.
Study of plants or of animal or of people or of institutions in relation to environment.
Ecology study of environment
Economical One who is very careful in the use of money.
Economical/Frugal/Parsimonious One who lends money at exorbitant rates of interest.
Economics The science of wealth
study of material wealth
Ecophobia fear of home
Ecstasy A state of extreme joy
Ecstatic Feelings or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement
Edaphology study of soils
Edible That which is fit to be eaten.
Something which is fit to be eaten.
Editorial Special article written by the editor of a newspaper, etc.
Effeminate A person who is a womanish in his habit.
A man whose manners are like women rather than men
One who is quite like a woman
Effigy Image of a person in wood, stone etc.
Roughly made model of a person that is made in order to be damaged or destroyed as a protest
Effiminate One who possess the quantities of woman.
Efflux Materials that are flowing out
Egalitarianism Belief that all people are equal and have the same rights and opportunities.
A belief that humans ought to be equal in rights and privileges
Egalitarianism Belief that all people are equal and have the same rights and opportunities.
Egoeism Selfishness – opposed to altruism.
Egoism Speaking too much of one self.
A doctrine that the pursuit of self-interest is the highest good
Egoist One who speaks using I and me always.
One who speaks too much about oneself.
One who thinks only of himself
One who thinks only for oneself, a person who is selfish, self absorbed and self centered
Egomania An obsessive preoccupation with the self
irrational self-centered attitude or self-worship
Egotist One who speaks too much about oneself.
Egyptology study of ancient egypt
Ehnocracy government by an ethnic group or race
Eidolism A belief in ghosts
EIegy A lament for the dead.
Eirenics theological doctrine of religious unification
Eke Making an amount or supply of something last longer by using or consuming it frugally: manage to make a living with difficulty
Ekistics study of human settlement
Elastic One which rescemes its normal shape and size after the stress is releases.
Elector Person having the right to elect.
Electorate People who can vote in an election
Body of voters.
Electrochemistry study of relations between electricity and chemicals
Electrology study of electricity
Electrometer Instrument used for measuring electricity.
Electrophile Substance having an affinity for electrons or negative charge
Electrophobia The fear of electricity
Electrostatics study of static electricity
Elegiac Expressing sorrow or lamentation.
Elegy Poems or songs that express sorrow for someone who is dead
Eleutheromania A strong desire for freedom
manic desire for freedom
Eleutherophobia fear of freedom
Eligible Fit to be chosen or selected.
Elite Groups in society considered to be superior because of the power, talent, privileges, etc.
Most successful or powerful group of people
Having superior or intellectual interests and tastes
Groups in society considered to be superior because of the power, talent, privileges, etc.
Elixir not elerical.
magical liquid that can cure illness or extend life
Ellipsis the ommission from a sentence of a work or words that would comple the construction.
Elocution study of how to speak clearly and in a way that is effective and socially acceptable
Elucidate to explain something mysterious or difficult: to make clear.
ElymoIogy science relating to the formation and development of words.
which discribes the birth of a particular word
Elysium Place of ideal peace and happiness.
Embargo Government orders that limit trade in some way
Order of the government to stop trade with another country.
Embassy Groups of officials led by an ambassador who represent their government in a foreign country: building in which an embassy works
Embeyyle Divert money fraudulently to one’s own use.
Embezzlement The fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else
Inappropriate expenditure or misappropriation of money
Emblem Objects or pictures used to suggest a thing that cannot be shown: person or thing that represents an idea
Emboss Raise a pattern or design on the surface of something.
Embossing Decorating surfaces with raised ornamentation
Embroidery Process of sewing designs on cloth or other material.
Embryology study of embryos
Emeritus One who is honourably discharged from service.
Honourably discharged from service.
Emetic Medicine which induces vomiting.
Inducing vomiting – something that induces vomiting.
Emetology study of vomiting
Emigrant One who goes to settle in a foreign country. or
One who leaves his native land to settle abroad.
One who leaves his native place to settle in another
Emissary One who goes for a secret official mission.
Emmenology the study of menstruation
Emollient Soothing to living tissue.
Emonomancy divination using demons
Empericism Belief based on experience or observation.
Emphasize To lay special stress on.
Emphobia Fear of home surroundings.
Empleomania An insatiable urge to hold public office
mania for holding public office
Emporium Large retail-store.
Emulation A try to be like (someone or something you admire)
Enclave An area with people who are different in some way from the people in the areas around it
Encolpion reliquary; cross worn on the breast
Encroach/Violate Go beyond what is just or natural.
Encyclical letter sent by the pope to multiple bishops
Encyclopaedia Book containing information on all branches of knowledge.
Endarchy a centralised government
Endemic a disease which becomes prevalent in a particular area on account of its surroundings.
a disease peculiar to a country
Endemiology study of local diseases
Endocrine Connected with glands that put hormones and other products directly into the blood
Endocrinology study of glands
Endophagy cannibalism within a tribe; eating away from within
Endorsement Signature on the back of a paper, cheque, etc.
Endowment Large amount of money that has been given to a school, hospital etc., and that is used to pay for its creation continuing support : person’s natural ability or talent
Enduring Long lasting.
Enfranchise Give the right to vote.
Engraving Cutting of designs into hard surface
Enigma Someone or something that is difficult to understand or explain
Enigmatology study of enigmas
Enjoin Direct or order someone to do something.,
Enomuim Formal expression of high praise – eulogy.
Enoptromancy divination using mirrors
Enosimania An obsessional belief that one has sinned
Enrcroach Go beyond what is just or naturalorMake inroads on others property.
Enroll Entering (someone) as a member of or being a participant in something
Ensue Come at a later time; to happen as a result
Entail Having (something) as a part, step, or result
Entheomania An abnormal belief that one is divinely inspired
Enthologist one who studies the science of the varieties of human race.
Entity Things with distinct and independent existence
Entomologist One who studies insect life.
Entomology Science of the species of insects.
Entomology study of insects
Entomophagas eating insects
Entourage Groups of people who go with and assist an important person
Entozoology study of parasites that live inside larger organisms
Entrepreneur Persons who start a business and are willing to risk loss in order to make money
Enumerator Persons employed in taking a census of the population
Envoy Persons who are sent by one government to represent it in dealing with another government
Enzymology study of enzymes
Eosophobia fear of dawn
Eparchy diocese of an Eastern Church
Epeolatry The practice of worshipping words
Ephebiatrics branch of medicine dealing with adolescence
Ephemeral of a very short duration or period.
Transitory – short lived – lasting a very short time.
Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time
Ephemeral/Transient anything that lasts for a short time and leaves no trace.
of a very short duration or period.
Epic Long poems that tell the story of a hero’s adventures
Epicenter Parts of the earth’s surface that are directly above the place where an earthquake starts
Epicentre (of earthquake) is the point at which earthquake breakout.
Epiclesis calling on the Holy Spirit to consecrate the Eucharist
Epicure Person fond of delicious food.
A person who is very fond of sensous enjoyments
One who prefers sensual pleasures.
Persons who appreciate fine food and drink
One who is fond of sensuous pleasures
Epidemic Disease affecting many people at the same place and time.
A disease which attacks many people in a particular area in one time.
An occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly and affects a large number of people
Disease affecting many people at the same place and time.
Epidemiology study of diseases; epidemics
Epigram Short saying or poem which expresses an idea in a very clever and amusing way.
Short and clever poems or sayings
Epigraph Inscriptions on a building, statue, or coin
Epigraphy Science of inscriptions.
Epileptology study of epilepsy
Epilogue Last part of literary works especially a poem.
A poem of speech at the end of the play.
A short speech at the end.
Speech, etc. at the end of a play, book, or film/movie that comments on or acts as a conclusion to what has happened
The final section or speech after the main part of a book, play, or musical composition
Last part of literary works especially a poem.
Epiphangi An appearance or manifestation.
Episcopicide Killing of bishops
Episcopolatry The practice of worshipping bishops
Episode One event described in a chain of events.
Event or a short period of time that is important or unusual
Epistemology study of grounds of knowledge
Epitaph Words inscribed on a tomb.
Something written or said in memory of a dead person; especially words written on a gravestone
Commemorative inscription on a tomb.
Epithet Adjective or descriptive phrase used to indicate the character of somebody or something.
A word or phrase that describes a person or thing
Epitome Short summary of a book, speech, etc.
Examples that represent or express something very well
Epoch Periods of time that are very important in history
Equanimity Calmness of mind and temper.
Evenness of mind or temper.
Equator Lines notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles
Equigravisphere A point in space where the gravity is constant.
Equilibrium State of balance, especially between opposing forces or influences : calm state of mind and a balance of emotions
Equilibrium A state of perfect balance.
Equine Of horses – horse like – a horse.
Equinox Time of equal day and night – about March 21 and September 21.
Days when day and night are of the same length
Equity Situations in which everyone is treated equally:, shares in a company which do not pay a fixed amount of interest
Equivorous consuming horseflesh
Eradicable That which can be rooted out.
Eradicate Pull up by the roots
Put to an end
Eradicate To root out an evil, disease.
Eremology study of deserts
Ergasiomania An obsessive need to work
Ergatocracy government by the workers or the working class
Ergology study of effects of work on humans
Ergomania excessive desire to work; work holism
Ergonomics study of people at work
Ergophile One who loves work
Ergophobia fear of work
Eromancy divination using water vessels
Erotica Books, pictures, etc. intended to arouse sexual desire.
Erotophobia fear of sex
Errand Short journeys that you take to do or get something
Erratum Error in printing or writing.
Erudite Having or showing knowledge that is learned by studying
Erythrophobia fear of red lights or of blushing
Escapism Tendency to think about pleasant or fantastic things
Tendency to escape from hard realities.
Escapist One who escapes from hard realities.
Escapology study of freeing oneself from constraints
Eschatology study of death; final matters
Escort Person going with another for protection or guidance.
Esoteric Known only a few – Reconcile.
Limited to a small number of people
Espionage Practice of spying.
Things that are done to find out secrets from enemies or competitors
The systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets
Espionage Practice of give and take.
Essay/Article Piece of writing on any subject in prose.
Estimate Approximate calculation of something.
Estivate Penacea.
Estuary A broad channel formed by joining of the sea and river water.
Etching Making designs on a metal plate or glass by the corrosive action of acid
Eternal Existing for ever.
That which has always existed and will exist
Eternalism The belief that matter has existed eternally
Ethnarchy government over an ethnic group
Ethnic Being connected with different racial groups.
Ethnocracy The government by an ethnic group or race
Ethnogeny study of origins of races or ethnic groups
Ethnology Science of the races of mankind and their relation to one another.
Ethnology A study of races
study of cultures
Ethnomania An obsessive devotion to one’s own race, people or ancestry
obsessive devotion to one’s own people
Ethnomethodology study of everyday communication
Ethnomusicology study of comparative musical systems
Ethologist One who studies the science of character.
Ethology study of natural or biological character
Ethonomics study of economic and ethical principles of a society
Ethos Habitual character and disposition.
Guiding beliefs of a person, group, or organization
Characteristics of a culture
Etiology Study of causation. The study of the cause of disease.
the science of causes; especially of disease
Etiquette Rules for formal behaviour among people.
Etymologist One who studies derivations of words – history of linguistic change.
Etymology A study of derivation of words
study of origins of words
Eulogomania obsessive craze for eulogies
Eulogy Speech or writing that praises – High praise – Encomium.
Speech that praises someone who has died
Euphemism Use of mild words in place of works required by truth.
Bombastic style of writing.
A mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive
Euphobia fear of good news
Euphonic Soften expressionorThat which appears sweet sounding.
Euphonic That which appears sweet sounding.
Euphony Pleasant sound.
The quality of being pleasing to the ear
Pleasing sound.
Euphoria Feelings of great happiness and excitement
Eureka Used to express excitement when a discovery has been made
Europhile One who loves Europe
Euthanasia Mercy-killing to relieve incurable pain of disease.
Marey killing – painless death – to relieve suffering.
Euthenics Science of improving the environment.
science concerned with improving living conditions
Evanescent Passing out of memory.
Lasting for a very short time
Evangelist Someone who talks about something with great enthusiasm
Evasive Not willing to take a definite stand.
Eviction The expulsion of someone (such as a tenant) from the possession of land by the process of law
Ex gratia Something that is done or given freely rather than because it is required by a law
Exaggerate Describe a thing beyond limits of truth.
Exaltation Strong sense of happiness, power, or importance
Exarchy government by bishops
Exasphere This is a outere most zone of the atmosphere and beings at about 40 miles above earth.
Exbiology Science dealing with life or possibilities of life existing beyond the earth.
Excerpt Small part of a longer written work
Exchequer Government department of public money.
Government departments that control public money
Excursion Short journey made by a group of persons together.
Short trips especially for pleasure
Exeat permission from bishop for clergyman to work elsewhere
Exegesis Critical explanation or interpretation.
Exemplary Extremely good and deserving to be admired and copied
Exemption Freedom from being required to do something that others are required to do
Exequy funeral rites; funeral procession
Exercism Slogan to derive or get out of the dragon.
Exigency Something that is necessary in a particular situation
Exile Situations in which one is forced to leave one’s country or home and go to live in a foreign country
Exobiology study of extraterrestrial life
Exodus large scale departure of people.
departure – Emigration (Usually of a large number of people).
Situations in which many people leave a place at the same time
Government by a few people.
State in which the few govern the many.
Exonerate Free from blame – Exculpate.
Officially stating that somebody is not responsible for something that they have been blamed for
Exonym Name for a town or country in a foreign language
Exotic Very different, strange, or unusual
Expatiate Speaking or writing about something in a way that includes a lot of details or uses many words
Expatriate Persons who live in a foreign country
Expedition Journeys especially by a group of people for a specific purpose
Explicable That can be explained.
Capable of being explained.
Explicate Explain and analyse in detail.
Fully and clearly expressed.
Explore Travel into a country for the purpose of learning about it.
Exponent One who explains a theory, idea, etc.
Someone who supports a particular cause, belief, etc.
Export Selling and sending of goods to another country
Exporter Person, country or firm that sells and sends goods to another country.
Exports Sell and send goods to another country.
Exposition An act of explaining something
Expressible That can be expressed in words.
Capable of being expressed in words.
Extempore Speech made without preparation.
Speech delivered without any preparation.
Spoken or done without preparation
Extempore or Impromptu
A speech delivered without any previous preparation
Extinguish To make extineat.
Extispicy divination using entrails
Extortion Crime of getting money from someone by the use of force or threats
Extradite Sending (a person who has been accused of a crime) to another state or country for trial
Extravaganza Public activity which takes place in a very elaborate, colourful and expensive way.
Very large and exciting shows or events
Extremist Person who uses disruptive forces to bring about political or social change.
Eymologist One who studies the science and origin of words.

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