Dacnomania An obsession with killing
Dactyliology study of rings
Dactyliomancy divination by means of a finger
Dactylography the study of fingerprints
Dactylology study of sign language
Dais Raised platforms in a large room or hall that people stand on when performing or speaking to an audience
Dalmatic ecclesiastical robe or other outer vestment
Damp squib Situations or events which are much less impressive than expected
Damsel Young women who are not married
Dandy Men who care a lot about his clothes and appearance
Danseuse Female ballet dancers
Daphnomancy divination using a laurel
Dart Small pointed objects, sometimes with feathers to help it fly, that is shot as a weapon
Datary papal officer who registers and dates bulls and edicts
Dawdle Moving or acting too slowly
Dawning Beginning or first appearance of something
Daycare center Places where young children are cared for during the day while their parents are working
Daze State in which someone (such as a person who has been surprised or injured) is not able to think or act normally
De facto Used to describe something that exists but that is not officially accepted or recognized
Deadline Date or time when something must be finished: the last day, hour, or minute on that something will be accepted
Deadpan Showing no feeling or emotion : humor that is done or said in a serious way *
Debacle Sudden collapse – general break-up – violent rush.
Debacle Great disaster or complete failure
Debauchery Bad or immoral behaviour that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.
Debenture Loan bond issued by a company at a fixed rate of interest.
Long-term security yielding a fixed rate df interest, issued by a company and secured against assets
Debonair (Man) dressing and acting in an appealing and sophisticated way : fashionable, attractive, and confident
Debris Pieces that are left after something has been destroyed
Debtor One who owes money to another.
Debut First time an actor, musician, athlete, etc., does something in public or for the public
Decade Period of ten years.
Decadence Moral or spiritual deterioration.
Behaviour that shows low morals and a great love of pleasure, money, fame, etc.
Decalogue Ten commandments.
Decanal located on south side of the choir in a Church
Decarchy government controlled by ten individuals decarchy
Decelerate SIow down.
Decline Gradual and continuous loss of strength.
Decor Ways that a room or the inside of a building is i decorated
Decree Judgement of a law court.
Official orders given by a person with power or by a government
Decree Judgement of a law court.
Decretal papal decree deciding a point of Church law
Defame To injure a man’s reputation by slanderous words
Default Fail to pay a debt in time.
Failure to fulfil an obligation : something that happens or is done when nothing else has been done or can be done
Fail to perform a duty
Defendant Person against whom a suit is filed.
One who is sued by the plaintiff.
A person who is being sued or accused of a crime in a court of law
Deficit Money that is less than the amount that is needed
Defunct No longer existing or being used
Deiparous bearing a god
Deism Got birth and followed principles in a particular caste but telling, he is not god.
Deist One who believes in the existence of god.
Deja vu Feelings that one has already experienced something that is actually happening for the first time; something that has happened many times before something that is very familiar
Dekko Quick looks or glance
Delegacy Body of delegates.
Delegate Representative sent to a conference or convention.
Delegate To give authority or task to another.
Delettante An admirer by the people.
Delinquency Crimes or other morally wrong acts : illegal or immoral behavior especially by young people
Deliquisic Become liquide by absorbing moisture from the air – Melt away.
Delirium Mental states in which one is confused and not able to think or speak clearly : state of wild excitement and great happiness
Delittante One who takes up an art – dabbler – a lover of fine arts.
Deltiology the collection and study of picture postcards
Deluge Anything that overwhelms like a flood great flood – rain.
Large amount 0f rain that suddenly falls in an area : large amount of things that come at the same time
Demagogue Political leader who delivers emotional or sentimental speeches.
Political leaders who try to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason
Demarcation Border or line that separates two things, such as types of work, groups of people or areas of land
Demarchy The government by the people; popular government
Demeanour Persons secondary or alternative personality
Demise End or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc. : death of a person
Democracy Government by elected representatives.
The government formed by the people.
The government by the people
Democracy government by the people
Demography Official numbering of the population.
Science of vital and social. statistics.
Demography Study of population Or Official numbering of the population.
Demology study of human behaviour
Demonarchy government by a demon
Demonocracy government by demons or evil forces
Demonolatry The practice of worshipping demons
Demonology Ralating to devils – ghost and other terror things.
study of demons
Demonomancy divination using demons
Demonomania pathological belief that one is possessed by demons
Demophobia The fear of crowds
Demure Quiet and polite, not showy or flashy
Dendrochronology study of tree rings
Dendrophilous Fond of trees
Denizen Persons, animals or plants that live, grow or are often found in a particular place
Denotation A literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests
Dentist Specialist in the teeth.
Dentophobia The fear of dentists
Deodate gift to or from God
Deontology the theory or study of moral obligation
Dependency Country ruled by another country.
Depilate Remove hair from.
Deploy Cause troops etc. to spread out in readiness for battle:
Catch between starting point and destination.
To check or stop on way.
Depository Place for deposit.
Deprecate Express earnest disapproval of.
Depreciate To go down in value.
Dereliction An act of no longer caring for, using, or doing something, failure to do one’s job or duty
Dermatoglyphics the study of skin patterns and fingerprints
Dermatologist Specialist in skin disease.
Dermatology Medical study of the skin and its diseases.
Science of skin and its diseases.
study of skin
Desecrate Use in an unworthy or wicked way.
Desecrate/Defile Use in an unworthy or wicked way
Desert Place where neither grass nor trees grow.
Desiceate Dry throughly – Remove moisture from.
Designate Officially choosing (someone or something) to do or be something
Desmology study of ligaments
Despondency Loss of complete hope.
Despondent High – Spirited – Overflowing with enthusiasm’- boiling up.
Despotocracy The government by despots or tyrants
Destination/Goal Place or position to be reached.
Destitute People who are extremely poor
Destitution Lack of the necessaries of life.
Detain Officially preventing (someone) from leaving a place
Detention The act of keeping someone in a prison or similar place
Detenu One who detained in custody.
Detour An act of going or travelling to a place along a way that is different from the usual or planned way
Detractor Persons who criticize something or someone
Detrimental That which has very harmful and dangerous effects.
Detritivore Animal that eats decomposing organic matter
Deuce Situations when both players have 40 as a score
Deus ex Machina An unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation
Devastate Make desolate.
Devotee Person who is devoted to something.
Devout Deeply religious : devoted to a particular religion
Dexterity An ability to use one’s hands skillfully or an ability to think quickly and effectively
Diabolocracy government by the devil
Diabology study of devils
Diaconicon sacristy for sacred vessels in Orthodox churches
Diagnosis Determination of a disease by its symptoms.
An act of identifying a disease, illness.
problem by examining someone or something
Diagnosis Determination of a disease by its symptoms,
Diagraphics Art of making diagrams or drawings
Dialectology study of dialects
Dialysis The process for flood purification when the kidneys malfunction.
Diarchy, Duarchy The government by two people
Diatribe An angry and usually long speech or piece of writing that strongly criticizes someone or something
Dicey Involving a chance that something bad or unpleasant could happen
Dichotomy Difference between two opposite things : a division into two opposite groups
Dictatorship Government run by a dictator.
Diction Clearness of a person’s speech
Didactic Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth.
Designed or intended to teach people something
Didactics Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth.
Diehard Very determined or loyal
Diet Food that a person or animal usually eats
Diffident Lacking confidence : not feeling comfortable around people, very careful about acting or speaking
Dignitary Person holding a high office.
Digress Turn or wander away from the main topic.
Diktat Orders that must be followed
Dilapidated In a very bad condition because of age or lack of care
Dilemma A state of a person, who is asked to choose one of the two unfavorable things.
Situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives – perplexing problem.
Diligence Careful and persistent works or efforts
Dilly-dally Taking too long to do something: go somewhere or make a decision
Diminish Make or become smaller.
Diminuendo Gradual increase in force.
Diminutive Extremely or unusually small
Dimwit Stupid person
Din Loud, confusing mixture of noises that lasts for a long time
Dingy Dark and dirty : not fresh or clean
Dinomania mania for dancing
Dioptrics study of light refraction
Diphysitism belief in the dual nature of Christ
Diplomacy Management of a country’s affairs abroad.
Diplomat/Envoy A diplomatic minister of the higher order sent by a country to another
Diplomatics science of deciphering ancient writings and texts
Diplomatology study of diplomats
Dipsomania Irristible craving for alcoholic drinks.
A morbid and insatiable craving for alcohol
abnormal craving for alcohol
Dire Very bad : causing great fear or worry
Directive General or detailed instruction.
Director Person who directs.
Directorate Board of directors in a company or organisation.
Disarray Lack of order : a confused or messy condition
Disavow Deny connection with somebody or something.
Saying that you are not responsible for (something): to deny that you know about or are involved in (something)
Deny knowledge of or deny connection with somebody or Something.
Disband Ending an organization or group (such as a club)
Disciplinarian Person able to maintain discipline.
person able to maintain discipline.
Discomania obsession for disco music
Discophile One who loves and studies sound recordings
Discord Lack of agreements between people, ideas, etc
Discourse Use of words to exchange thoughts and ideas
Discrepancy Difference in accounts.
Difference especially between things that should be the same
Discretion Rights to choose what should be done in a particular situation
Disdain Feelings of strong dislike or disapproval of someone or something you think does not deserve respect
Disenfranchisement The act of withdrawing certification or terminating a franchise.
Disguise Conceal the nature or existence of (a feeling or situation)
Dislectical (s) Logical argumentation.
Dismay Feeling of fear and disappointment.
Disordered Without order or plan.
Disordered/Haphazard Without order or plan.
Disparage Describing (someone or something) as unimportant, weak, bad, etc.
Dissent Publicly disagreeing with an official opinion, decision, or set of beliefs
Dissimulation Hiding of true feelings.
Dissuade Persuade not to do something.
Distort Pull out of usual shape.
Distraught Very upset: so upset that one is not able to think clearly or behave normally
Diurnal Of the daytime.
Diversion Change in direction.
Dividend Amount of money that represents part of a company’s profit.
Sum payable as profit to an individual by a joint stock company.
Divorcee Person who is divorced.
Docimology the art of assaying
Docket A list of the legal cases that will be tried in a court of law
Dockyard Place where ships are built and maintained.
Dodecarchy government by twelve people
Dodge Moving quickly to one side in order to avoid being hit by (someone or something)
Dogma Belief accepted without question.
Principles or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true
Doldrums State or period of sadness or depression
Domicile person living permanently in a certain place.
place where one lives permanently.
Places where you live
A place of permanent residence
Doppelganger An apparition or double of a living person
Doramania obsession with owning furs
Dormitory Sleeping room with many beds.
Dorsal Situated on bank.
Dosiology the study of doses
Doulocracy government by slaves
Dowdy Having a dull or uninteresting appearance : not attractive or stylish
Downtown Main or central part of a city or town
Doxology hymn or verse of praise to God
Dramaturgy art of producing and staging dramatic works
Drapetomania intense desire to run away from home
Drawn/Tie A game or batter in which neither party wins.
Drinker’s Apparatus Instrument used to help breathing in infantile paralysis.
Dririmancy divination by observing dripping blood
Dromomania An uncontrollable impulse to wander or travel
Dromophobia The fear of crossing streets
Drought Scarcity of rain or water.
A long period of time during which there is very little or no rain
Druggist Person who is qualified to prepare and sell drugs.
Du jour Happening or popular at a particular time
Duel Situations in which two people or groups argue or compete with each other
Dulia inferior veneration of saints and angels in comparison with God
Dulocracy government by slaves; doulocracy
Dummy Large model looking like human being and used to display clothes.
Dungeon Dark and underground prisons in castles
Duomachy duel or fight between two people
Dyarchy government by two people; diarchy
Dynamo The origin of electricity in a dynamo is the transformation of mechanical energy into energy.
Dynasty Families of rulers who rule over a country for a long period of time
Dysgenics the study of racial degeneration
Dysmorphophobia fear of physical deformities
Dysteleology study of purposeless organs
Dystychiphobia The fear of accidents

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