The Kauravs had exiled their cousins, the Pandavs, and their wife Draupadi for twelve years, after Yudhishtir had lost the game of dice. The Pandav family moved from place to place to keep their identities hidden. Once, the Pandavs and Draupadi lived in the Kamyak forest. At that time, their brother Arjun had gone to Indralok to get some divine weapons and training to use them, for the forthcoming battle of Kurukshetra. Soon, it was time for the Pandavs to search for another place to live. They came across a beautiful forest named Narayan Ashram, and decided to stay there for some time. One day, Draupadi found a beautiful and extremely fragrant flower in the forest. It was the Saugandhika flower. She asked Bheem to get her more Saugandhika flowers. Bheem loved Draupadi very much. He did not want to disappoint her, so off he went in search of those flowers.