There was once a dacoit named Viprad. He had robbed many people and troubled every passer-by. But soon, he started feeling guilty about his deeds. So he approached a sage named Mudgal. At first, Sage Mudgal was terrified to see a dacoit approaching him. But soon, he found out that Viprad was there to confess his sins to him. The sage felt sorry about Viprad’s state and said, “Son, calm down. I will suggest a way so that you may get rid of your sins.” Mudgal started chanting some holy couplets known as Ganesha’s Mantra and took a dry twig. He then fixed the twig on the ground and asked Viprad to chant the Ganesha’s Mantra after him. He asked Viprad to learn the mantra and take care of the twig as if he was taking care of Ganesha’s idol. He said, “Viprad, pour water respectfully over the twig daily and chant the mantra. Perform this holy ritual with full dedication. Soon Lord Ganesha will bless you.”
Dacoit Viprad Repents