221 Facts Tell Me Why

221 Facts Tell Me Why221 Facts Tell Me Why is a storehouse of curious facts about the world. The collection will encourage children to go and explore knowledge out there in the world.✨📚

Why are a bird’s feathers water-insulated and waterproof?

A bird’s feathers grow from the epidermis of the bird’s skin and can be divided into ‘semiplumes’, ‘filoplume’, ‘bristle’ and ‘powder feathers’. Given their impeccable daily routine, birds maintain their feathers by preening, dust bathing and even bathing in the water. When birds preen themselves with their beaks, they pick up oil by rubbing the

Why are a bird’s feathers water-insulated and waterproof? Read More »

Why are animals said to be masters of disguise?

Animals have developed adaptability to blend in their surroundings. This is necessary so that they may remain hidden from their hunters or even from their prey that they are hunting. This is called ‘camouflage’. They can camouflage by merging themselves with their backgrounds or by having patterns on their bodies that break up their outline,

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Why do dogs circle around before lying down?

Wolf-like dogs lived in the wild in earlier ages where they slept out in the open, without much warmth or safety or comfort, unlike their pampered ‘pet’ friends now. They lived in packs and travelled constantly looking for food and shelter. For resting, they would perform the circling behaviour, smoothen out the uneven surface to

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Why are flies attracted to bad smells?

Flies need soft and moist areas to breed and thrive. Therefore, when organic material like fruits, vegetables, dead organisms or even a feces start to decompose and smell bad, it becomes the ideal breeding ground for larvae of flies. Additionally, flies are detritivores; they play an important role as ‘cleaners’ in our ecosystem by consuming

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Why does breathing pure oxygen kill you?

Oxygen is a very strong oxidant. It is necessary for mitochondria, the ‘energy plants’ of our cells to work and ‘burn’ glucose to get energy. High doses of it oxidize and damage molecules and tissue of our body. Our body is constantly trying to get rid of the ‘free radicals’ oxygen atoms available to interact,

Why does breathing pure oxygen kill you? Read More »

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