Bhishma blesses Draupadi

As per Duryodhan’s plan, it was a win-win situation for him. Either the Pandavas would be eliminated for good or his dearest friend, Karna, would take charge of the Kaurava army. No one knew about Bhishma’s vow except Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna explained everything to Pandavas’ wife, Draupadi, and worked out a plan with her. Lord Krishna disguised as a servant and went with Draupadi to Bhishma’s tent. He had taught her exactly what to say and when.
Draupadi went to Bhishma and Lord Krishna waited for her at a distance. Bhishma was meditating when Draupadi touched his feet and asked for a blessing. Without realising it was Draupadi, Bhishma blessed, “Saubhagyavati bhavah (May you remain married throughout your life!)” When Bhishma opened his eyes, he was shocked! “Why are you here at this late hour? Who brought you here?” he asked Draupadi, angrily.
Poor Draupadi lied, “I have come here with my servant!” Immediately, Bhishma guessed that was Lord Krishna’s doing.
Bhishma rushed to look out for Lord Krishna. He asked the guard about a servant. The guard proudly said, “I kicked him and did not let him come near you.” Bhishma thought, ‘You fool! You have no idea whom you have kicked!’ Seeing Lord Krishna disguised as a servant, Bhishma went to Him and touched His feet. The guard was surprised at this.
After they were inside the tent, Bhishma asked, “Lord Krishna, why did You do this?” Lord Krishna said, “Your vow, ‘None of the Pandavas will be alive by tomorrow evening!’ has forced me to do this. This was the only way to protect the Pandavas from the great warrior, Bhishma!”

Bhishma was amazed at this! He thought, ‘How cleverly He has avoided the biggest disaster on the Pandavas!’
Thus, Lord Krishna who knew the power of Bhishma’s vow came up with the only possible way to save the Pandavas.

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