Bharata got his army together, and requested Hanuman to do the same. Hanuman began to get all his warriors together: Sugreeva, Jambavan, Angad, Nala, Neela and many others. Then they went to join Bharata. This army was experienced in battling with rakshasas, but this time they were pitted against two young boys, who were the disciples of Valmiki, products of a pure environment and, unknown to them, the sons of Rama and Seeta. The boys were delighted to see the vanara sena which, they knew from Valmiki, had defeated Ravana and his forces! The two of them began to cause destruction among the troops. Hanuman, fascinated watching the two little warriors, praised them. When Bharata saw that even Hanuman could not stop the youngsters, he was very annoyed. His shot hit Luv who became unconscious, which enraged Kush. He shot a divinely empowered arrow straight at Bharata who fell unconscious too.
Bharata’s Unconsciousness