Ava, the Bully

Ava was a Stokesosaurus dinosaur living in a small cave in a huge, lush green forest. The whole forest was full of dinosaurs of different types and Ava being a big dinosaur bullied other smaller dinosaurs. One day, as Ava went out looking for a victim, she came across a small group of baby dinosaurs playing in an open field. Stealthily, she approached them, waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack. As Ava observed the dinosaurs she decided to come out. As soon as she did so, she was shocked to see that none of them was scared. Ava tried again but failed; they continued to play. Embarrassed, she left them alone. Immediately, the baby dinosaurs laughed and said, “Our teacher, Mrs Dino, was right; bullies go away if we pay no attention to them!” and they resumed their play.

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