Always be Kind

James and Joyce were a loving Labocania dinosaur couple. They both lived in a tiny cave near a lake and everyone around was jealous of the perfect location of their cave. Cam, a cunning dinosaur devised a plan. He went up to the couple and cried hoax that his daughter had fallen into the lake; he knew they couldn’t swim but would jump in to help. When they got drowned, he would take the cave. James and Joyce were ever so helpful and immediately sprang into action. James arranged for a long rope and Joyce jumped into the lake to rescue Cam’s daughter. Together, they looked for hours everywhere but couldn’t find Cam’s daughter. Witnessing their kindness, Cam couldn’t keep up the charade and apologised to them both. They simply said, “Don’t apologise Cam. Our kind efforts helped you abandon your evil ways; that’s our gift from you. Now, always be kind.”

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