Akbar’s Anger

Akbar was such a great Emperor that he achieved whatever he thought of. And this was what brought arrogance in him. With every victory, he was becoming more arrogant and inconsiderate towards his people. Birbal decided to make Akbar realize his mistake.

One day, Birbal dressed like a saint and sat in the palace’s garden at the same time when Akbar was going to be there for a walk. When Akbar saw the saint, he became furious. He said, “Hey you! Who are you and why are you sitting in my garden? I shall punish you for such a crime.”

“My lord! Is this garden yours?” asked the saint. Akbar angrily said, “Yes.” “My lord! Are the entire empire, the city and rivers yours too?” asked the saint. Akbar said “Yes”. The saint continued, “But when you were not here, who owned all this?” This question made the Emperor realize his mistake and he understood that everything in this universe is temporary. He won’t own this empire and everything else forever.

This thought made him sad, and without saying a word he left from there and went in the other direction of the garden. He was so lost in deep thoughts that he did not even go to the court. While he was walking, Akbar accidentally stumbled upon a big stone and fell. This made him feel so angry that he straightaway went to the court and ordered a servant to summon the gardener.

Akbar said to the gardener, “You are the culprit. Because of your ignorance I stumbled upon a big stone in the garden. You shall be hanged for this crime.”

Everyone in the court including Birbal was shocked. The gardener begged for forgiveness but it had no effect on Akbar. After the court’s session, the gardener went to Birbal for help. Birbal consoled him and said that he would save him and the Emperor needed to be taught a lesson as soon as possible before he became completely arrogant and inconsiderate.

On being asked for the last wish, the gardener requested to be presented before Akbar for the last time. When he was taken to see Akbar, he came forward and spat on his feet. This made him feel even much angrier. Then, Birbal said, “Your Majesty, this man is the one of the most loyal people in the kingdom. People were talking ill of him for being sentenced to death for such a petty offence. So, he made a mistake on purpose to justify his death penalty.”

These words of Birbal made the Emperor realize that he had started walking on the path of arrogance which he should quit instantly. Then he swore never to become inconsiderate towards his own people.

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