A Pair of Red Shoes


Naomi was a good girl. She was the only child of her parents. So she often felt lonely. She longed for someone to play with. Once, her father went to another city for work. When he returned home, he surprised Naomi with a pair of red shoes. The shoes had a pretty bow on them and they looked beautiful. Naomi loved her shoes. She wore them wherever she went. One day, it rained heavily. Naomi stepped into many a puddle while returning home. She noticed that her shoes were soiled. So, she sat down to wipe them with a piece of cloth. When she rubbed the shoes gently with the cloth, a little fairy appeared. She said, “Naomi, where do you want to go?” Naomi was surprised. The fairy explained. “Your shoes are magical. You can travel to magical lands with them.” Every day, Naomi travelled to a new world after school. She was never lonely.

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