A Hard Decision (Siberia)

A Hard Decision (Siberia)

There was a Siberian husky; her name was Siberia. She had two friends. One was a Chihuahua; her name was Chichi. Her other friend was a Golden Retriever; her name was Goldie. She had fun with her friends. One day, Siberia and Goldie were going for a walk; Chichi came by. She saw them walking together. Chichi didn’t like that. Chichi pushed Goldie in the bush. Siberia barked, “Stop.” Goldie liked Chichi as a friend, but Chichi didn’t.

Goldie was injured in the bush. Siberia asked, “Why did you push Goldie?” Chichi said, “I don’t like Goldie; she is mean to me so I don’t want you to hang out with her.” Siberia invited them over to her house but they wouldn’t know that the other person was coming. Siberia invited them to dinner. One came from the back door and the other from the front. Siberia sat them down. Chichi said, “What is Goldie doing here?” “I invited you both over,” said Siberia. They kept on fighting and fighting. Siberia was surprised that they got along with each other in due course. So, they went on lots of trips together and never fought again. They were friends forever.

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