A Cup of Milk

Prince Louis disliked milk and at breakfast there was always a scene as the Nanny brought in the cup of milk! Often the scene ended with milk spilt all over the table or the floor. The Nanny brought along her cat, Minna, to the palace. Minna was a fat tabby and enjoyed licking up the milk. At first, the prince thought this was wonderful. “Now I don’t have to drink the milk!” he decided. Then everyone started saying nice things about Minna. “She’s really beautiful and healthy.” “Her fur is so glossy!” “She’s so intelligent!” “Her eyes are shiny and bright!” Louis began to find that everyone was praising the cat! None praised him. He checked his eyes and face and hair in the mirror. “Why is Minna looking so good?” he asked the Nanny. “It’s because of the milk,” she said. Prince Louis began to drink the cup of milk every day!

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