Sabbatical Periods of time during which someone does not work at his or her regular job and is able to rest, travel, do research, etc.
Sabotage An act of destroying or damaging something deliberately so that it does not work correctly
Saccharimeter Instrument used for determining the amount of sugar in solution (used in Breweries).
Saccharin Substance used in place of sugar.
Sacrifice Killing by putting pressure on the throat.
Sacrilege Theft in a sacred place.
An act of treating a holy place or object in a way that does not show proper respect
Violation of sacred things
Sacristy room in Church where sacred objects are kept
Sacrosanct Too important and respected to be changed, criticized, etc
Sadism Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others.
Enjoyments that someone gets from being violent or cruel or from causing pain
Sadist One who takes pleasure in the cruel treatment of one’s spouse.
Saga Long and complicated series of events
Sagacious Having or showing an ability to understand difficult ideas and situations and to make good decisions
Salubrious Healthful – favorable to health.
Salutary Having a good or helpful result especially after something unpleasant has happened
Salutatory Welcoming address at a commencement.
Salvage Saving of property from loss by fire, etc.
Removing (something) from a place so that it will not be damaged, destroyed, or lost
Salvo Sudden occurrence of applause, laughter, etc., from many people
Sanatorium Establishment for the treatment of invalid or convalescent people.
Places for the care and treatment of people who are recovering from illness or who have a disease that will last a long time
Sanctuary Person’s private room.
Places where someone or something is protected or given shelter
Holy or sacred place.
Sacred religious place
Sangfroid An ability to stay calm in difficult or dangerous situations
Sanguinary Blood thirsty – characterized by blood shed.
Sanguivorous blood-drinking
Saprophagous feeding on decaying material
Sarcasm Bitter and ironical remark.
Use of words that mean the opposite of what one really wants to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny
Sarcasm Bitter and ironical remark.
Sarcology study of fleshy parts of the body
Sarcophagous feeding on flesh; carnivorous
Sarcophilous fond of flesh
Sartorial Of or about tailors or tailoring.
Satanology study of the devil
Satanophobia fear of the devil
Satire Humour that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of a person, government, society, etc.
Exposing human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
A way of using humor to show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad, etc.
Satyromania abnormally great male sexual desire; satyriasis
Saunter Walking along in a slow and relaxed manner
Saurophagous eating lizards
Savage In a primitive or uncivilized state.
Savana Grassland with scattered trees.
Saviour Person who rescues somebody from sins.
Someone who saves something or someone from danger, harm, failure, etc.
Savour Enjoy (something) for a long time
Scaffold Platform on which criminals are executed.
Scandal Talk that brings bad reputation to somebody.
Scapegoat Person who is made to bear the blame of others.
Persons who are unfairly blamed for something that others have done
One who is blamed for the mistakes/wrong doing of others.
Scapegrace One who constantly gets into trouble.
Scapulomancy divination by examining burnt shoulder blade
Scar Marks that are left on one’s skin after a wound heals : feeling of great emotional pain or sadness that is caused by a bad experience and that lasts for a long time
Scatology study of excrement or obscene literature
Scatomancy divination by studying excrement
Scatophagous dung-eating
Scatoscopy divination by studying excrement; scatomancy
Scatter Cause (things or people) to separate and go in different directions
Scavenge Searching through waste, junk, etc., for something that can be saved, used or eaten.
Scavenger Animals that feed on dead organic matter – a street cleaner.
Scenario Written outline of a play, opera, etc.
Scepter Emblem of regal owe – A rod – Sovereignty.
Sceptic One who doubts the soundness of inferences
Persons who question or doubt something (such as a claim or statement)
One who doubts the soundness of inferences.
Scepticism Hesitation – doubt something about.
Schematomancy divination using the human form
Schematonics Art of using gesture to express tones
Schola Church choir led by a cantor
Scholasticate preparatory college for those intending to enter Catholic order
Sciagraphy Art of shading
Sciaphobia fear of shadows
Sciomancy divination using ghosts
Scion Persons who was born into a rich, famous, or important family
Sciophilous thriving in or loving shady conditions
Scopophilia obtaining sexual pleasure from seeing things
Scopophobia fear of being looked at by others
Scorn Harsh criticisms that show a lack of respect or approval for someone or something
Scotophilia admiration for Scotland or the Scots
Scotophobia fear of the dark
Scourge Someone or something that causes a great amount of trouble or suffering
Scramble Moving or acting quickly to do, find, or get something often before someone else does
Scrap Very small amount
Screech Cry out in shrill voice.
Scribomania An obsession with writing
Scrimmage Confused struggle or fight.
Scripophily collection of bond and share certificates
Scripture Book or writing of a sacred or religious nature.
Scuffle Fights, briefly and usually not very seriously
Scullery Room for washing kitchen utensils.
Sculptor One who carves out figures.
Sculpture Art of carving figures in wood, stone or clay.
Pieces of art that are made by carving or molding clay, stone, metal, etc.
Art of beautiful handwriting.
Scurrility Practice of using abuse.
Power or right of rejection.
Scyphomancy divination by means of a cup
Sebastomania A religious insanity
Secretariat Permanent administrative offices or departments, especially governmental ones
Sect Religious groups that are a smaller part of a larger group and whose members all share similar beliefs
Secular Not connected with spiritual or religious matters
Secularism View that education and other matters should be divorced from religion.
Sedentary Not doing or involving much physical activities
Sedimentology study of sediment
Sedition Act or speech for inciting the public against the government.
Seduce To induce to have sexual intercourse.
Seer Someone who predicts things that will happen in the future
Segment Part cut off from something.
Segregation Practice or a policy of keeping people of different races, religions, etc., separate from each other
Seismograph Instrument used for recording earthquake shocks.
Seismology Study of earthquakes.
Seizure Taking possession of something forcibly or by law.
Selenodesy study of the shape and features of the moon
Selenolatry Worship of the moon
Selenology study of the moon
Selenomancy divination by studying the moon
Semantics study of meaning
Semasiology study of meaning; semantics
Seminivorous seed-eating
Semiology study of signs and signals
Semiotics study of signs and symbols
Sempect extremely elderly Benedictine monk
Senate Government by a king or queen.
Senicide Killing of old men
Senile Suffering from bodily or mental weakness because of old age.
Referring to loss of faculties due to old age.
Showing a loss of mental ability (such as memory) in old age
Senility Extending old age when a man behaves like a fool.
Sensational Causing a quick and excited reaction.
Cause a person to remember.
Sensory The tough outer protective layer, especially that of an animal or plant
Septarchy Government by seven rulers; heptarchy
Septic Blood poisoning
Sepulchre receptacle in an altar for holding religious relics
Sericulture Silkworm breeding
Serif A small limited used to finish off the main stroke of a letter.
Serigraph A point made by the silk – screen process.
Serigraphy Screen printings on silks
Sermon Spoken or written address on a religious subject or moral subject.
Speech about a moral or religious subject that is usually given by a religious leader
Religious discourse.
Serology study of serums
Serpenticide Killing or killer of a snake
Servile Very obedient and trying too hard to please someone
Settler Person who settles in a newly, developing country.
Sexagenarian One who completed his sixty years of age – sexagesima (Festival).
Sexology study of sexual behaviour
Sext prayer service held at noon
Shallow Having little depth.
Shatter Smash to pieces.
Shelter Something serving as a protection against heat, cold.
Shew Ill tempered women.
Shoplifting The act of stealing goods that are on display in a store
Shopocracy Government by shopkeepers
Show cause To produce satisfactory grounds for application of (or exemption from) a procedure or penalty
Shroud Winding sheet of a corpse.
Siblicide Killing or killer of a sibling
Sibling Brother or sister
Siderography Art of engraving on steel
Sideromancy divination using stars; divination by burning straws
Siege Operations in which police or other forces surround a building and cut off supplies, with the aim of forcing an armed person to surrender
Siesta Period of rest or sleep taken in the early afternoon.
Regular period of sleep or rest in the afternoon in some hot countries
Sigillography study of seals
Signatory Person or country that has signed an agreement.
Signifies science of meaning
Silhouette Outlines that appears dark against a light back ground or a dark shape seen against a light surface
Silvicide Substance that kills trees
Silvics study of tree’s life
Simile A phrase that uses the words like or as to describe someone or something by comparing it with someone or something else that is similar
Simultaneous Happening at the same time.
Simulus Something that incites to action or quickened action.
Sindonology study of the shroud of Turin
Sine die Without a future date being arranged
Sine qua non Something that is absolutely needed
Sinecure Office without any work but with high pay.
An office with minimal duties.
Single-Minded Having a single purpose.
Sinology study of China
Sinophil one who admires China or the Chinese
Sitiomania An obsession with food
Sitophobia fear of food or eating
Skeletal Connected with the skeleton of a person or an animal
Skelton Bony framework of a human or animal body.
Skiamachy sham fight; shadow boxing
Skin To read in a cursory way.
Skirmish Brief and usually unplanned fight during a war
Skit Short, funny stories or performances
Slander False report maliciously uttered to person’s in jury.
Slander Words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another; an abusive attack on a person’s character or good name
Slang Words to abuse others.
Slaughter Killing of animals especially for food.
Killing (an animal) for food, kill (many people) in a very violent way
Slavocracy Government by slave-owners
Slavophile one who admires the Slavs
Sleaze Dishonest or immoral persons
Sloth Indolence – laziness – a sluggish arboreal animal.
Slype covered passage between walls, or between transept and chapterhouse
Smother Kill by suffocation (esp. by covering the face with something)
Smother Kill by putting pressure on the throat.
Smuggler One who brings goods illegally into the country.
Smuggling Secretly importing prohibited goods or the goods on which duty is due
Snob Someone who tends to criticize, reject, or ignore people who come from a lower social class and have less education, etc.
Snobocracy Government by snobs
Snoop Looking for private information about someone or something
Social Living in groups.
Socialism A doctrine of centralized state control of wealth and property
Socialite Person prominent in fashionable society.
Person known for going to many parties
Sociobiology study of biological basis of human behaviour
Sociocracy Government by society as a whole
Sociology Social problems and human process.
The science of the evolution and classification of human society
study of society
Sodophobia The fear of society or people in general
Sojourn Short stay at a place.
Stay for a short time.
Solace Someone or something that gives a feeling of comfort to a person who is sad, depressed, etc.: a source of comfort
Solicism Breech of goods manners.
Solicitor Legal adviser.
Lawyers in Britain who assist people in legal matters and who can represent people in lower courts of law
Solicitous Anxious to help or serve somebody.
Solilogy Talking as if aline – utterance by a person talking to himself.
Soliloquy Long, usually serious speeches that a character in a play make to an audience and that reveal the characters thoughts
Solo Music performed by one person.
Soma Body as opposed to psyche.
Somatology science of the properties of matter
Somnambulism Walking in sleep.orOne who habitually walks while asleep.
Walking in sleep.
Somniloquist One who habitually talks while asleep.
Sonometer Instrument used to study the behaviour of vibrating strings.
Sonorous Having a full, deep sound.
Soothsayer Someone who makes predictions about what is going to happen in the future
Sop Something that is done or given to someone in order to prevent trouble, gain support, etc.
Sophiology science of ideas
Sophism A fallacious argument.
Sophisticated Highly developed or appeali4g to a mature mind.
Sophomania delusion that one is incredibly intelligent
Sophomore Students in the second year of high school or college
Soporific Causing or tending to cause sleep (drug or medicine)
Thing which is used as a sleeping pill
A drug or other substance that induces sleep
Sorcerer Persons who practice sorcery: a wizard or warlock
Sorocide Killing of one’s sister.
Sororicide Killing of one’s own sister
Sortie Sudden attack in which a group of soldiers rush forward against an enemy
Sortilege divination by drawing lots
Soteriology study of theological salvation
Soteriology study of theological salvation
Spa Places where people go to improve their health and appearance by exercising, relaxing, etc.
Spacephobia The fear of outer space
Spam E-mails that are not wanted : an e-mail that is sent to large numbers of people and that consists mostly of advertising
Spank Hitting (someone) on the buttocks with one’s hand as a form of punishment
Spar Argue with someone in a friendly way
Spasmatomancy divination by twitching or convulsions of the body
Spat Short arguments about something that are not important
Spate Large number of things that appear or happen in a short period of time
Spatilomancy divination by means of feces
Spatula An implementation with abroad – flat – usually flexible blade.
Specie Money in form of coins.
Species Group having some common characteristics.
Groups of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants
Speciocide Destruction of an entire species
Specious Something that looks reasonable but actually is not.
Spectator Persons who watches an event, show, game, activity, etc., often as part of an audience
Spectre Something bad that might happen in the future
Spectrology study of ghosts
Spectrometer Instrument used for measuring the energy distribution of a particular type of radiation.
Spectrophobia fear of looking in a mirror
Spectroscopy study of spectra
Spectrum Complete range of different opinions, people, etc.
Speculate Thinking about something and make guesses about it: invest money in ways that could produce a large profit but that also involves a lot of risk
Speedometer Instrument which indicates the speed at which a vehicle moving.
Speleology study and exploration of caves
Spell Short periods of time during which something lasts : the quality that a person or thing has that makes them so attractive or interesting that they have a strong influence on you
Spelunking Cave exploration.
Spendthrift/Prodigal One who spends one’s money recklessly.
Spermicide Killing of sperm
Spermology study of seeds
Spermophile member of family of seed-loving rodents
Spew Flowing out of something in a fast and forceful way
Sphagnology study of peat moss
Spheromancy divination using a crystal ball
Spherometer Instrument used for measuring curvature of surfaces.
Sphragistics study of seals and signets
Sphygmology study of the pulse
Spiel Elaborate or glib speeches or stories, typically those used by a salesperson
Spinster Elderly unmarried woman.
Unmarried women who are past the usual age for marrying and are considered unlikely to marry
Spiritualism Belief that the only reality in the world is spirit.
A belief that nothing is real except the soul or spirit
Splanchnology study of the entrails or viscera
Spod Dull or socially inept person, especially someone who is excessively studious
Spodomancy divination by means of ashes
Spongology study of sponges
Spoonerism A verbal error in which a speaker accidentally transposes the initial sounds or letters of two or more words, often to humorous effect
Spoor A track or trail of an animal.
Sporadic Occurring here and there or now and then.
Happening often but not regularly: not constant or steady
Sporicide Killing of spores
Spree Short periods of time when you do a lot of something
Spurn Rejecting or refusing somebody/something, especially in a proud way
Spurt Short periods of greatly increased efforts, activities, or developments
Sputter Speaking quickly or in a confused way because one is upset, surprised, etc.
Squabble Argue loudly about things that are not important
Squalid Very dirty and unpleasant, immoral or dishonest
Squall A sudden violent wind – often accompanied by rain – snow.
Cry very loudly and noisily
Squander Using (something) in a foolish or wasteful way
Squandermania irrational propensity for spending money wastefully
Squarsonocracy Government by landholding clergymen
Squat Sitting on heels with one’s knees bent up close to the body: live in a building or on land which is not yours : without the owner’s permission
Squatterarchy Government by squatters; squattocracy
Squattocracy Government by squatters
Squeak Making a short, high-pitched cry or noise
Squeal Speaking in a very high voice, especially when one is excited or nervous
Squeeze Pressing together the parts and especially the opposite sides of (something)
Squirearchy Government by squires
Stability Resistance of change – permanence.
Stable Building for keeping and feeding horses.
Stage Platform for a dramatic or musical programme.
Stagflation Economic situations where there is high inflation (= prices rising continuously) but no increase in the jobs that are available or in business activity
Stalemate Contests, disputes, competitions, etc., in which neither side can gain an advantage or win
Stalk Following, watching, and bothering (someone) constantly in a way that is frightening, dangerous, etc.
Stammer Speaking with many pauses and repetitions because one has a speech problem or because one is very nervous, frightened, etc.
Stampede Sudden rapid movements or reactions of a mass of people in response to a particular circumstance or stimulus
Stampomania obsession with stamp-collecting
Stanza The group of lines in a poem
Staple Principal raw material or commodity grown in a locality.
Startle Surprising or frightening (someone) suddenly and usually not seriously
Starve Suffer or die from lack of food: to suffer extreme hunger
Stash Putting (something) in a secret or hidden place
Stasiology study of political parties
Statesman Person taking an important part in state affairs.
Wise, skilled, and respected government leaders
Statesmanship Skill and wisdom in managing public affairs.
Statics study of bodies and forces in equilibrium
Stationery Writing material, pen, paper, etc.
Statocracy Government by the state alone, without ecclesiastical influence
Statolatry Worship of the state
Stature Natural height of a person’s body.
Level of respect that people have for a successful person, organization, etc.
Statute Written law passed by the law making body.
Written laws that are formally created by a government
Staurolatry Worship of the cross or crucifix
Steer A castrated bill
Stegophilist one who climbs buildings for sport
Stemmatology study of relationships between texts
Stercomancy fortune-telling by studying seeds in dung
Stercovorous feeding on dung or excrement
Stethoscope Instrument used by physicians to hear and analyses movements of heart and lungs
Steward One who arranges for the supply of food in a club, school, etc.
Persons and especially men whose job is to serve meals and to take care of passengers on a train, airplane, or ship
Stichomancy divination by picking passages from books at random
Sticker One who sticks.
That which sticks.
Stigmatophilia obsession with tattooing or branding
Still-life Photographs of inanimate objects
Stimultaneous Taking place at the same time.
Stimulus Something that incites to action or quickened action.
Stipend Usually small amount of money that is paid regularly to someone
Stoic One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain.
Stoical Showing no emotion especially when something bad is happening
Stoichiology science of elements of animal tissues
Stoicism Indifference to pleasure or pain.
Stolisomancy divination by observing how one dresses oneself
Stomatology study of the mouth
Stoop Bending down or over; doing something that is not honest, fair, etc.
Storiology study of folktales
Storm A very bad weather with strong winds and rain, and often thunder and lightning
Strangle Killing (a person or animal) by squeezing the throat
Strangle/Strangulate Killing/Killer of a race or community
Extermination of a race or community.
Strangulation Kill or murder for political reasons.
Killing by putting pressure on the throat,
Stratagem Tricks or plans for deceiving an enemy or for achieving a goal
Stratarchy Rulership over an army
Strategy Careful plans or methods for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time
The way in which an army is led to war by its general.
Stratigraphy study of geological layers or strata
Stratocracy Military rule or despotism
Stratography Art of leading an army
Stray Going in a direction that is away from a group or from the place where one should be
Stricture Laws or rules that limit or control something : strong criticism
Stride Walking with very long steps
Strident Expressing opinions or criticism in a very forceful and often annoying or unpleasant way
Strife Very angry or violent disagreement between two or more people or groups
Stringer Journalists who are not on the regular staff of a newspaper but who write stories for that newspaper
Stroll Short walk for pleasure or exercise.
Strumpetocracy Government by strumpets
Stubborn Determined not to change one’s opinion or attitude; difficult to deal with, remove, etc.
Stupor Condition in which someone is not able to think normally because of being drunk, drugged, tired, etc.
Stutter Having a speech problem that causes one to repeat the beginning sound of some words
Stylometry studying literature by means of statistical analysis
Stymie Stopping (someone) from doing something or to stop (something) from happening
Suavity Wordless – Smoothly agreeable manners.
Sub judice Under a judicial consideration and therefore prohibited from public discussion elsewhere
Sub serve Serve as a means in helping purpose.
Subdue Bring under control especially a group of people causing trouble.
Subjudice Under judicial consideration and therefore prohibited from public discussion elsewhere
Subjugate Bring under control in war.
Defeating and gaining control of (someone or something) by the use of force
Submerge Put under the surface of water.
Subscribe Paying money to get a publication or service regularly
Subserve Serve as a means in helping purpose.
Subservient Very willing or too willing to obey someone else
Subsidiary Not as important as something else
Subsidize Helping someone or something pay for the costs of (something)
Substantive Important, real, or meaningful
Substitute Thing or person put in place of another.
Persons or things that take the place of someone or something else
Subterfuge Use of tricks especially to hide, avoid, oi^ get something
Subtle Difficult to describe because fine and delicate.
Subvert Secretly try to ruin or destroy a government, political system, etc.
Subway Systems of underground trains in a city
Succession Coming of events iii series.
Successive Coming one after the other in continuity.
Succor Something that you do or give to help someone who is suffering or in a difficult situation
Succumb Stopping in trying to resist something, die
Suffocate Die because one is unable to breathe
Suffragan assistant bishop
Suffrage Rights to vote in an election
Suicide Killing of self or self murder.
Killing of oneself
Suicidology study of suicide
Suitor One who courts or woos a woman.
Men who want to marry a particular woman
Sulk Be angry or upset about something and to refuse to discuss it with other people
Summit Highest point of a mountain : the top of a mountain
Summons Legal notice to appear in court.
Sumptuary Pertaining to regulations of expenses.
Sundog A mock sun.
Sundries Miscellaneous articles not listed separately.
Sundry Made up of different things
Suo Motu On his own motion
Supercillious Showing contemptuous indifference.
Super-erogation Doing of more than is required.
Superficial Something which is not thorough or profound.
Superscript Symbols (such as a number or letter) written above and immediately to the left or right of another character
Supersede Taking the place of (someone or something that is old, no longer useful, etc.) : to replace (someone or something)
Supersonic Greater speed, than that of sound.
Superstition Belief or notion not based on reason or knowledge.
Beliefs that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science
Supple Easily bending, not stiff.
Supplement Addition to complete and improve.
Surcharge Payment demanded in addition to the usual charge.
Surge Suddenly increasing to an unusually high level
Surmise Forming an opinion about something without definitely knowing the truth
Surplus An amount (such as an amount of money) that is more than the amount that is needed
Surrogate Persons or things that take the place or perform the duties of someone or something else
Surveillance An act of carefully watching someone or something especially in order to prevent or detect a crime.
Susceptible Easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something
Swashbuckler Persons or a characters in a movie, book, etc., who is very brave and has many exciting adventures
Swat Slap with a flat object.
Swindle Taking money or property from (someone) by using lies or tricks
Swot Study very hard for an exam
Sycomancy divination using fig leaves
Sycophant Person who tries to win a favour by flattering , rich or powerful persons.
Sycophant Person who caters to the rich Or Person who tries to win a favour by flattering rich or powerful persons.
Syllepsis The figure of speech in which a word is applied to two others of which it grammatically suits only one
Symbiosis Relationship between two different kinds of living things that live together and depend on each other
Symbolatry Undue worship of symbols
Symbology study of symbols
Symmachy fighting jointly against a common enemy
Symmetrophobia fear of symmetry
Symmetry Qualities of being very similar or equal
Symphily living together for mutual benefit
Symposium Conference for discussion on a subject.
Symptomatology study of symptoms of illness
Synagogue Building that is used for Jewish religious services
Synarchy Joint sovereignty
Syndicate Groups of people or businesses that work together
Syndrome Disease or disorder that involves a particular group of signs and symptoms
Synecdoche The figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa
Synecology study of ecological communities
Synectics study of processes of invention
Synergy Increased effectiveness that results when two or more people or businesses work together
Synesthesia The production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body
Synonym Word whose meaning is the same as another word
Synopsis Short descriptions of the most important information about something
Syntax A way in which words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences
study of sentence structure
Synthesis Something that is made by combining different things (such as ideas, styles, etc.)
Synthetic Made by combining different substances : not natural
Syphilology study of syphilis
Syphilomania pathological belief that one is afflicted with syphilis
Syphilophobia fear of syphilis
Systematology study of systems
Syzygy Conjection of any two of the heavenly bodies.

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