Kainotophobia fear of change
Kaizen Practice of continuously improving the way in which a company operates
Kakistocracy government by the worst
Kakorrhaphiophobia fear of failure
Kalology Science of human beauty.
study of beauty
Kamelaukion tall cylindrical hat worn by Orthodox priests
Kannal Shelter for house dog.
Karyology study of cell nuclei
Kempt (Person or a place) maintained in a neat and clean condition : well cared for
Ken Not within the range of what someone knows or understands
Kennings A compound expression in Old English and Old Norse poetry with metaphorical meaning
Kenophobia The fear of voids or empty spaces
fear of empty spaces
Kephalonomancj divination using a baked ass’s head
Keraunoscopia divination using thunder
Kernel Small, somewhat soft part inside a seed or nut: very small amount of something
Kerygma preaching of the Christian gospel
Kerygmatic of, like or pertaining to preaching the Gospel
Keynote Most important idea or parts of something
Kickback An amount of money that is given to someone in return for providing help in a secret and dishonest business deal
Kick-start Starting (a motorcycle) by pushing down on a lever with one’s foot
Kidnapping Act of carrying away by force for money.
Kidology study of kidding
Killjoy Persons who spoil other people’s fun or enjoyment
Kindergarten School for very young children.
Kindnapping Act of carrying away by force for money.
Kinematics study of motion
Kinesics study of gestural communication
Kinesiology study of human movement and posture
Kinetic Of motion – characterized by motion.
Kinetics study of forces producing or changing motion
Kingdom Country ruled by a king or queen.
Kingpin Persons who control an organization or activity
Kiosk Small stores in a building or on the street where things (such as newspapers or candy) are sold
Kirking first attendance of a couple at Church after marriage
Kit Sets of tools or supplies that a person uses for a particular purpose or activity
Kleptocracy government by thieves
Kleptomania Mania for stealing articles.
Irresistible impulse to steal.
A compulsion to steal
Disease of the mind causing an uncontrollable desire to steal or Mania for stealing articles.
Irrational predilection for stealing
Kleptomaniac One who has an irresistible urge to steal.
Klopemania kleptomania
Knack An ability, talent or special skill needed to do something
Knell Sound of a funeral bell.
Knissomancy divination using burning incense
Koniology study of atmospheric pollutants and dust
Kowtow Showing somebody in authority too much respect and be too willing to obey them
Kreatophagia eating of raw meat
Kritarchy government by judges
Ktenology science of putting people to death
Kymatology study of wave motion
Kyrie religious petition for mercy

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