Chhatrapati Shivaji

Shivaji’s father, Shahaji was the ruler of the small state of Poona, spread around Sahyadri Hills of Western Ghats. He was a professional warrior of great repute, a much sought after fighter by the empires. Shahaji used to be in the service of one empire or the other. Such was the fate of Hindus during that period that the members of the same family served different empires that constantly waged battles against one another. Thus, Hindu warriors killed one another for the benefit of empires.
17th century India was mostly divided into five big Muslim empires, namely, Mogul Empire of Delhi/Agra, Adil Empire of Bijapur, Nizam Empire of Daultabad, Qutub Empire of Golconda and Vareed Empire of Bidar. There were hundreds of small states, estates and kingdoms scattered around the empires like buffer zones. These were ruled by Hindu kings, individual estate owners or chieftains who were hopelessly divided and quarrelled with one another. They were weak and for survival acted as proteges of one empire or the other.
Small rulers like Shahaji was used by the empires as counter balance in their power games. To protect his own state of Poona Shahaji remained in the service of the empires. He was very useful for the empires and all admired his valour, battle craft and administrative skills. The empires ruled through their army commanders who also served as district governors.
Shahaji always tried to help out Hindu kings in whatever way he could while in the service of the empires. He didn’t stay loyal to any one empire because the empires played mad games resulting in the situations changing fast and the equations turning topsy-turvy.
At one time Shahaji was in the service of the Nizam Empire. His father-in-law and many other members of his family were also serving Nizam. One day, a macabre act was enacted in the court of Nizam. Shahaji’s father-in-law and his family members were called to the court and charged with acts of treason. It was some conspiracy. Nizam didn’t care to consult Shahaji. As Shahaji watched his relatives were brutally put to death at some distance off the court. He seethed in anguish. He could not intervene as he was a servant of Nizam. Now continuing to be in the service of Nizam had become utterly humiliating as he could not walk around with his head held high. At last, he quit Nizam’s service in protest and headed for is state of Poona.
Poona fell in the area of the influence of Adil Empire of Bijapur. It was controlled by the commander of Wai district representing the Bijapur court which did not like Shahaji returning to his Poona state. It decided to send a commander with a task force to destroy Poona.
Shahaji had anticipated some such trouble from Bijapur. So, he sent his pregnant wife Jijabai to Shivneri fort which was under the control of one of his relatives named Vijayarao. His trusted commander Dada Kond Dev and his father Vittoji accompanied her. Data Kond Dev used to look after Poona state in the absence of Shahaji which was almost permanent barring a few brief spells.
Now Shahaji made a move to counterbalance the threat posed by Adil Empire. He went to Agra and offered his services to Mogul Emperor Shahjahan who accepted the offer readily. Mogul Empire had weak influence in the south. It badly needed an able commander to lead its charge in the South India. Shahaji was what he needed, in the meantime a Mogul chieftain named Darya Khan had rebelled against Shahjahan and fled southwards. Shahjhan gave the mission to destroy the rebel chieftain to Shahaji. The mission was a test for Shahaji to show his capability and the commitment to Mogul Empire.

Shahaji fully understood the importance of the mission and went in pursuit of the rebel of the Mogul Empire, Darya Khan Rohilla instead of being with his wife whose delivery time was fast approaching. The success in his mission would guarantee the safety of his family.
Meanwhile, in Shivneri fort, Jijabai gave birth to a cute baby on 17th February, 1630. The fort echoed with the happy sounds of the celebration. A messenger was despatched to the Shahaji with the good news who was still in chase of his querry Darya Khan. The news elated Shahaji but he could not abandon his mission of dealing with the rebel to join the celebrations.
At last, Shahaji was able to catch up with the rebel on the run. A brief battle followed and Darya Khan was put to death. The mission completed it was time for Shahaji to rush to Shivneri fort to set his sight on the new born son the family was all agog about and making tall predictions.

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