Baby boom Periods when many more babies are born than usual
Baccalaureate Examinations intended to qualify successful candidates for higher education
Bacchanal Wild and drunken celebrations
Baccivorous eating berries
Bacillicide Killer of bacteria
Backbiting Unpleasant and unkind talks about somebody who are not present
Backlash Strong negative reactions by a large number of people, for example to something that has recently changed in society
Backlog Quantities of work that should have been done already, but has not yet been done
Backtrack Changing an earlier statement, opinion or promise because of pressure from somebody/something
Bacteriology study of bacteria
Badlands Large areas of land that have been farmed too much with the result that plants will not grow there
Bail The amount of money given to a court to allow a prisoner to leave jail and return later for a trial
Baldaquin covering or canopy over a throne or altar
Ballad A short narrative poem – adopted for writing and sighning.
Songs or poem that tells a story
Ballet Style of dancing that tells a dramatic story with music but no talking or singing
Balletomania abnormal fondness for ballet
Ballistics Science dealing with the motion of projectile like rockets bombs and shells.
Ballistophobia Fear of missiles
Balmaccan A type of man’s overcoat.
Balneology The science of the therapeutic use of baths
Bandwagon An activity in that more and more people are becoming involved
Banish One who is banished from his home or country.
Bankruptcy A condition of being bankrupt : a condition of financial failure caused by not having the money that you need to pay your debts
Banter Friendly remarks and jokes
Baptistery Part of Church reserved for performing baptisms
Barbarian Person who is uncivilised or uncultured.
Person without manners or polish or Person who is uncivilised or uncultured.
Barbarism Mixed language.
Barbarocracy Government by barbarians
Barbecue Outdoor meals or parties when food is cooked in this way
Bardolatry The practice of worshipping Shakespeare
Barista Persons who serve in a coffee bar
Barodynamics Science of the support and mechanics of bridges
Barology study of gravitation
Barometer An apparatus used for measuring the atmospheric pressure.
Baron Persons who own or control a large part of a particular industry
Barracks Building where soldiers live.
Large buildings or group of buildings for soldiers to live in
Barracks Building where soldiers live.
Barrage Concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area : large number of something, such as questions or comments, that are directed at somebody very quickly, one after the other, often in an aggressive way
Bartender Women who work in a bar, serving drinks
Barter Exchanging goods, property, services, etc. for other goods, etc. without using money
Bastinado Form of punishments or tortures that involved caning the soles of someone’s feet
Bastion Institutions, places, or persons strongly maintaining particular principles, attitudes, or activities
Bathophobia The fear of depths/deep places
Fear of falling from a high place
Batik Methods of producing coloured designs on textiles by dyeing them
Hand-dyed patterns on fabrics
Batology The study of brambles
Batophobia Fear of heights or being close to tall buildings
Batrachivorous Frog-eating
Batrachophobia Fear of frogs and toads
Batraquomancy Divination using frogs
Battalion Large group people, especially an organized group with a particular purpose
Beacon Light that is placed somewhere to guide vehicles and warn them of danger
Beadle Church caretaker or usher
Beadsman Monk or almoner who prays for benefactor
Beau Women’s male lover or friend
Beautician Person who runs a beauty parlour.
Beckon Giving somebody a signal using your finger or hand, especially to tell them to move nearer or to follow you
Bedfellow Persons or things that are connected with or related to another, often in a way that one would not expect
Bedlam Scenes full of noise and confusion
Bedrock Strong base for something, especially the facts or the principles on which it is based
Beerocracy Government by brewers or brewing interests
Behemoth Very big and powerful companies or organizations
Belle Beautiful woman; the most beautiful woman in a particular place
Bellicose Ready to fight.
Belomancy divination by means of arrows
Belonephilia Sexual obsession with sharp objects
Belonephobia Fear of pins and needles
Bema Raised part of an Eastern Church containing the altar
Bench The places where a judge sits in a court of law
Benchmark Standards or points of reference against which things may be compared
Benediction Blessing given by a priest.
Blessing given by a priest.
Benefactor One who gives financial help to a school, hospital, etc.
Kindly helper.
One who makes a request or endowment.
One who gives financial help to a school, hospital, etc.
Benefice Ecclesiastical office to which revenue is attached
Beneficiary One who receives a benefit.
Benevolence Wish to do good to others.
Benevolent Kind hearted.
Bequeath Leaving (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will
To say in a will that (your property) will be given to (a person or organization) after you die
Bereave Be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death
Berserk Out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied
Bestiocracy Rule by beasts
Bete noire Persons or things that one particularly dislike
Bethel A place of worship for seamen; non-conformist chapel
Beverage Any soft drink except water.
Bevy Group of girls or women larks.
Large group of people or things of a particular kind
Biarchy government ruled by two people
Bibliographer One who writes big books
Bibliography List of books and writings of one author or about one subject.
A list of books with details of authorship, editions, subject etc.
Lists of the books referred to in a scholarly work, typically printed as an appendix
List of books and writings of one author or about one subject.
The practice of worshipping the bible or other books
Bibliology Study of books
Bibliomancy A practice of foretelling the future by interpreting a randomly chosen passage from a book, especially the Bible
Divination by opening a book at random
Bibliomania A compulsion to collect and possess books
Craze for books or reading
Bibliophagist One who devours books, literally or figuratively
Bibliophile One who loves and collects books.
One who loves books.
One who loves the study of books.
Bibliophile/Bibliophilist/Philobiblic One who loves and collects books.
Bibliophily Love or fondness for books or reading
Bibliophobia Fear of books.
Bibliotics Study of documents to determine authenticity
Bibtiophobia Fear of books.
Bibulous Fond of much alcoholic drink.
Bicameral (Legislative body) having two chambers
Bicentenary The two-hundredth anniversary of a significant event
Biennial Taking place every other year
Bifurcate Divided into, two branches.
Bigamy The crime of having two life partners at a time.
Offence of marrying someone while already married to another person
The offence of marrying someone else while you have a living spouse from whom you haven’t taken a valid divorce
Bigot Person who holds strongly to an opinion or belief in defiance of reason or argument.
One who has narrow and prejudiced views
Bilateral Done by both sides or parties.
Having or relating to two sides ; affecting both sides, involving two parties, especially countries
Bildungsroman A novel dealing with one persons formative years or spiritual education
Bilingual One who can speak two languages.
Spoken or written in two languages.
Bio data Information about a person and about what they have done in their life
Biocide Killing living material
Bioecology study of interaction of life in the environment
Biographer Person who writes others’ life..
Biography Life-history of a person written by another.
Life of a person written by somebody.
Biologist One who studies the science of animals and plants.
Biologr Science of living organisms.
Biometrics Study of biological measurement
Bionomics Study of organisms interacting in their environments
Biota Animal and plant life of a religion or period.
Biped Animal with two-feet.
Biretta Square three-ridged cap worn by Catholic clergy
Black Box An apparatus which records the fight data of an aero plane. and is also a voice recorder.
Blackbinding Kidnapping for selling into slavery.
Blackmail Extortion of money by threats to divulge discrediting informations
Blasphemy Contemptuous talk about sacred things or God. or
Talk without respect of something sacred or holy
An action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk
Blennophobia Fear of slime
Blind Course of action leading nowhere
Bliss Perfect happiness
Bliss/Ecstasy/Paradise/Heaven Perfect happiness./Perfect place of happiness.
Blitzkrieg Intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory
Blizzard Severe snowstorms with high winds : large quantity of things that may seem to be attacking you
A severe snowstorm that goes on for a long time
Blockade An act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving
Blockbuster Something very successful, especially a very successful book or film/movie
Blonde Having fair hair and a light complexion
Blood Transfusion The process the transfusing blood of one person into blood.
Bloodshed Killing or wounding of people, typically on a large scale during a conflict
Blue-collar Relating to a manual work or workers, particularly in industry
Blueprint Plans which show what can be achieved and how it can be achieved
Blurb Short descriptions of a book, film, or other product written for promotional purpose
Boaster Person who uses words to praise himself.
BoatWrighter Wagon maker.
Bogie Undercarriage with four or six wheels pivoted beneath the end of a railway vehicle
Bohemian Person not living in ways considered socially normal or conventional.
Bolo Large single – adged military knife – Machete.
Bon voyage Said to somebody who is leaving on a journey, to wish them a good journey
Bona fide Genuine, real or legal; not false
Bonanza Situations which create a sudden increase in wealth, good fortune, or profits
Bonfire Large open-air fire used for burning rubbish or as part of a celebration
Bonhomie Cheerful friendliness; geniality
Bonsai An art of growing ornamental artificially dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots
Bookworm One who is interested in reading books and nothing else.
Person interested in reading books and nothing else.
Bookworm/Bibliophagist One who is interested in reading books and nothing else.
Boorish Person who is rough and ill mannered.
Booty Things taken by robbers.
Valuable stolen goods, especially those seized in war
Things taken by robbers.
Botanist One who studies the science of plants.
Botanomancy Divination using burning branches or plants
Botany Science of plants.
Bounty Money given as a reward
Bouquet An attractively arranged bunch of flowers especially one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony
Bourgeois Belonging to the middle class
A member of the middle class.
Bourse Stock markets in a non-English-speaking country, especially France
Boutique Small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics, etc.
Bovicide Slaughter of cattle; one who kills cattle
Bowine That which is cow like.
Boycott To obstain from buying or usingOrUnite to punish a person from association.
Brainchild Ideas or inventions which are considered to be a particular person’s creation
Brainstorm Thinking clearly or act sensibly
Brainwash Pressurizing (someone) into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means
Bravura Great technical skill and brilliance shown in a performance or activity
Breadwinner Persons who earn money to support their family, ‘ typically the sole one
Breakable That can be broken
Capable of being broken
Breakthrough Sudden, dramatic, and important discoveries or developments
Breeze Pleasant light wind.
Brettle Easily broken.
Bribery The practice of offering something (usually money) in order to gain an illicit advantage
Brickbats Insulting remarks made in public
Bridegroom Men on his wedding day or just before and after the event
Brief A summary of the facts and legal points in a case given to a barrister to argue in court
Brigand Member of a band of robbers.
Britcher One whose business to a slaughter cattle for food.
Broadcast To transmit (a programme or some information) by radio or television
Brocade Woven fabric richly ornamented with designs.
Brochure Small books or magazines containing pictures and information about a product or service
Bromatology Study of food
Brontology Scientific study of thunder
Brontomancy Divination using thunder
Brontophobia Fear of thunder and lightning
Brook Small streams
Brothel Houses where men visit prostitutes
Brouhaha Noisy and overexcited reactions or responses to something
Brunch Late morning meals eaten instead of breakfast and lunch
Bruxomania Compulsion for grinding teeth
Bryology The study of mosses and liverworts
Buccal Of the check of the sides of the mouth.
Buccaneer Sailors who attacked ships at sea and stole from them : the person who acts in a recklessly adventurous and often unscrupulous way, especially in business
Buff Persons who are enthusiastically interested in and very knowledgeable about a particular subject
Buffet Meals consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves
Bulla round seal attached to a papal bull
Bullantic Capitalized and ornamented, as letters used on papal bulls
Bullary Collection of papal bulls
Bunker Reinforced underground shelters, typically for use in wartime
Bureaucracy Government by officials.orA government in which the whole power is vested in officials.
Bureaucracy The government by civil servants
Government by officials.
A form of government ruled by the officials
Burglar One who breaks into a house to steal.
Entering a building unlawfully with an intent to commit a felony or to steal valuable property
Bursary treasury of a monastery or college
Burse Square cloth case to carry the corporal during Communion service
Bushfires The fire in scrub or a forest, especially one that spreads rapidly
Buzz Low, continuous humming or murmuring sound, made by or similar to that made by an insect : atmosphere of excitement and activity
Buzzword Words or phrases, often an item of jargon, that are fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context
Bygamist One who has two wives.
Byline Lines in a newspaper naming the writer of an article

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