Elbow Point 1 : Located at the depression of the end of the fold which appears when the elbow is bent 90º and raised to the horizontal position.
Elbow Point 2 : Located in the elbow fold, on the radial side of the biceps. The point is on the elbow crease at the outside (lateral) portion of the tendon.
Elbow Point 3 : Located by bending the elbow part away and locating the biceps tendon, which is the thick bend you feel in the middle of the front of the elbow. The point lies under the elbow crease at the inside (medial) portion of the tendon.

Elbow Point

Elbow Point 4 : Located at the indentation near the inside elbow fold next to the tendon on the inside of the upper arm; the end of the crease is where the elbow point is located.
Elbow Point 5 : Located by bending the elbow and feeling for the depression two finger above the point of the elbow on the backside. The point is located at the centre of the depression.
Back Point 1 : Exact location is between second and third lumbar vertebrae, just behind navel. To make their location easy, remember that these points are located on each side of the spinal column, each point lying about two finger to the side of the middle of the spinal column. Points are located at the same level as the bottom of the rib cage.
Back Point 2 : Located by bending neck slightly and prominent vertebral bone protruding at the base of the neck. Counting it as one, count down five vertebral spines (spines to the backbone). In between the fifth and sixth spine to each side of the centre of the backbone lies the points.
Back Point 3 : Located beneath the tip of the tail bone, below the dividing line of the buttocks.

Back Point

Back Point 4 : Located by standing slightly on tip toes and noting the depression formed at the sides of the buttocks. The point is located in the centre of the depression or ring.
Back Point 5 : Located at the midpoint of the crease the lower end of the buttocks makes with the thigh. If using Acupressure technique then apply greater pressure. The basic guideline in using this technique is: unless the site is unusually tender, deep strong pressure, rotating the finger when useful, is required.
Wrist hand Point 1 : Located on the thumb side of the wrist just above the projection of bone—just above the thumb side of the wrist. It can be found by placing the hands together with middle and first finger forming ‘V’ and both the hands are touching each other in over hand touch style.
Wrist hand Point 2 : Located on the back of the wrist at about the middle of the wrist at the flexion crease.
Wrist hand Point 3 : Located on the first crease of the wrist towards small finger side when the fingers are fully stretched. Its exact location could be found at seven-eighth of the width of the wrist from the thumb side.
Wrist hand Point 4 : Located at the centre of the handwrist junction crease on the palmar side.
Wrist hand point 5 : It is located midway between the two bones of thumbs and index finger. One can find it by closing the thumb and the forefinger together and noticing the little mound that forms at their junction on the back of the hand. The point lies under the peak of the little mound. Alternatively, it can also be found by bending the thumb of the other hand over the web between the thumb and the index finger. It lies under the end of the thumb.
Wrist hand Point 6 : Located under the thumb side of the index finger. One finger breadth below the base of the finger at mid point of the side of the hand.
Wrist hand Point 7 : It is located in the web between the little finger and the ring finger on the backside. The wrist hand point 7 should be pressed at 45º angle toward the hand, the point being approached from the top of the hand.
Wrist hand Point 8 : Located on the side of the hand one finger breadth above the base of the little finger.
Wrist hand Point 9 : Located under the side of the hand above wrist point 8.
Wrist hand Point 10 : Located on the backside of the forearm three finger from the middle of the wrist crease.
Wrist hand Point 11 : Located on the palm side of the forearm three finger from the middle of the wrist crease. Wrist hand point 12 is located at the centre of the palm.
Knee Point 1 : When you bend your knees almost 90º from the thigh, you can find its location at the depression at the lower outside edge of the knee cap.
Knee Point 2 : It is located in the muscle that runs on the outside of the thigh, two inches up from the knee cap. Make the person sit on a chair and bend his leg at 90º angle. Measure two inches up from the top of the knee cap. The point is slightly outside of the leg.
Knee Point 3 : You can locate it by bending the knee and finding the crease formed on the medial or inner aspect. The point is at the end of the crease.
Knee Point 4 : Located on the back portion of the knee exactly at the mid point of the crease.
Knee Point 5 : Located at the top of the shinbone, on the inside of the leg. To make its location easier, place three fingers exactly below the protruded side portion of the knee. To be precise, it is located at a level three finger below the lower level of the knee cap at the intersection of an imaginary line travelling vertically along the middle of the side of the leg.
Knee Point 6 : Make the patient sit and bend his leg at 90º angle. Catch the centre of his knee cap with the centre of your palm. The tip of your thumb will touch knee point 6, two inches above the knee cap. In fact it is located at a level three finger above the upper border of the knee cap where an imaginary line travelling vertically up the middle of the inside of the thigh crosses that level.
Knee Point 7 : Located in front of and below the head of the fibula, which is the rounded knob located near the middle of the outside aspect of the leg at a level about two finger below the lower level of the knee cap. The point itself is located in the depressed area in front of and below the fibula head.
Ankle foot Point 1 : Located in the centre of the ankle crease as one flexes his ankle.
Ankle foot Point 2 : Located directly in from of the lowest level of the medial malleolus or the middle ankle bone (the rounded bone protruding from the ankle on the inner aspect).
Ankle foot Point 3 : Located one finger tip below the medial malleolus or the middle ankle bone (the rounded bone protruding from the ankle on the inner aspect or Gutta as it is called in Hindi).
Ankle foot Point 4 : Located in the depression in the back of the medial malleolus (at the Gutta).
Ankle foot Point 5 : Located in the depression in the back of the lateral malleolus.
Of these ankle foot points, point 3 has a greater use in the area of foot and ankle injuries, but ankle-foot point 4 which lies opposite two ankle foot point 5 can be grasped ankle foot point 5 (index finger on one and thumb on the other) and this areas is not a tender area.
Ankle foot Point 6 : Located four finger above the medial malleolus or the inner rounded ankle bone at the middle of the inside aspect of the leg. Another easy way of locating this point is to flex the person’s foot and put his four fingers on the inside of his leg with little finger resting on top of the anklebone and the other fingers going up the leg. (The point exists where the four finger lies, behind the shinbone).
Shoulder Point 1 : It is located on the outside of the shoulder bone. Have the person raise his bent elbow to an angle of 90º from the body. The indentation is easier to identify. It is located at the mid point of the top of the outside arm just below the end of the shoulder bone.
Shoulder Point 2 : Located at the mid point of the outside of the arm (upper arm) where the tip of the (upside down appearing) triangular deltoid muscle is.
Shoulder Point 3 : Located on the back of the shoulder above the armpit, in soft tissue just below the bony top of the shoulder.
Shoulder Point 4 : Located on an imaginary line drawn from the tip of the shoulder to a point lying over the middle of the base of the back of the neck. The point is one third along that line from the shoulder.
Shoulder Point 5 : Located on an imaginary line drawn from the tip of the shoulder to a point lying over the middle of the base of the back of the neck. The point is on the mid point of that line.
Shoulder Point 6 : Located on an imaginary line drawn from the tip of the shoulder to a point lying over the middle of the base of the neck. The point is one third along that line from the neck.
Neck Point 1 : Located just above the sternal notch or just above the breast bone where the soft tissue of the front of the neck begins. The site is directly under tip of index finger.
Neck Point 2 : This point is located by bending the neck slightly and noting prominent bone at the base of the neck. Point is located just below this prominent vertebral spine in the space in between it and the next lower vertebral or backbone spine.
Neck Point 3 : This point is located just below the first cervical vertebra located on each side of the spine at the natural level of the hair line, each point being one finger to the side of the spine.
Penis Point : Located in the mid point of the base of the penis at its junction with the scrotum.
Face Point 1 : Located on the centre of the forehead midway between the eyebrows.
Face Point 2 : Located on each side of the forehead at the middle edge of the eyebrows.
Face Point 3 : Located on each side of the forehead at the outer edge of the eyebrows.
Face Point 5 : Located on side of the face by opening the mouth wide and feeling the depression formed in front of the ears at the top of the ear lobe level. Apply pressure when mouth is closed.
Face Point 6 : Located under the pupil of each eye just below the lower border of the eye socket.
Face Point 7 : Located just to the side of the base of the nose on each side.
Face Point 8 : Located on each side of the face just above the point that the angle of the jaw makes.
Face Point 9 : Located over the centre of the nose just above the tip.
Face Point 10 : Located midway between the bottom of the nose and the top of the upper lip.
Face Point 11 : Behind the ear lobe just in front of the rounded mastoid bone.
Abdomen Point 1 : Located by placing the fingers of the left hand together and straight, then placing the tip of the index finger by the umbilicus just below the web between the ring finger and little finger lies the point.
Abdomen Point 3 : Located two fingers below the umbilicus.
Abdomen Point 4: Located in the middle of the abdomen, one and a half inches below the navel four finger below the umbilicus.
Leg Point 1 : Located four finger below the lower level of the knee cap and about one finger breadth to the outside of the skin bone in the soft tissue there.
Leg Point 2 : At the lower tip of the calf muscle in the vertical midline of the back of the leg. It is located roughly in the centre of the leg just at the centre of the swollen portion of the shin.
Chest Point 1 : Measure two inches from the nipple (in the direction of the arm). Count up three ribs. The point is between the first and second ribs from the top, one inch below the middle of collarbone.
Chest Point 2 : Located between sixth and seventh ribs, directly under the nipple. Other way of finding this is by detecting two ribs below the nipple on a vertical line travelling through the middle of the natural position of the nipple (in a woman lying on her back with the breast positioned so that it is symmetrical with the nipple in the middle).
Some Prominent Points and The Diseases
They Help Cure
Face Point 4 : For red swollen eyes and dizziness press these points with one thumb gradually and hard 7 to 10 seconds, three times.
Face Point 7 : For nasal obstruction, running nose, facial tension press hard and inward at 45º angle with the index finger for 10 to 15 seconds, three times.
Face Point 10 : For loss of consciousness epilepsy press hard and inward with index finger or a pointed object for 7 to 10 seconds, three times.
Elbow points 4 : Stimulation of Elbow Point 4 alone can be effective for heart palpitation. If this point is pressed with one thumb, hard, 7-10 seconds, three times, it also gives relief to cough, elbow pain and wheezing sound with breathing or laboured breathing.
Wrist hand Point 3 : If pressed hard and inward for 5 to 7 seconds, three times, it helps in reviving an unconscious patient, insomnia, irritability and constipation.
Knee Point 2 : If pressed hard and inward one thumb for 7 to 10 seconds, three times, stomach pains, diarrhoea, arthritis in the knee get much relief.
Knee Point 6 : For itching, neurodermatitis hives and menstrual pain press hard and inward.
Leg Point 1 : For general well being and tired legs press hard and inward with two thumbs for 10-15 seconds, three times.
Abdomen Point 4 : For menstrual cramps, frigidity press this point inward gradually and deeply with palm of hand for 10-15 seconds, three times.
Abdomen Point 3 : For stomach pains, diarrhoea, wet dreams, constipation, etc., press inward gradually and deeply with the palm of your hand for 10-15 seconds, three times.
Chest Point 2 : For rib pain, poor lactation in nursing mothers press these points softly inward with one thumb for 5-10 seconds, three times.
Back Point 1 : If these points are pressed with one thumb, avoiding sudden pressure, for 7-10 seconds, three times then headaches and nasal obstruction also get relief.
Leg Point 2 : Press softly and inward with one thumb for 10-15 seconds and get cured of sciatica, muscle spasm and tired legs.
Wrist-hand Point 5 : If pressed hard with one thumb towards the index finger for 10-15 seconds, three times, one gets relief from diarrhoea, rashes, toothache, facial tension.
Shoulder Point 5 : For lack of milk in nursing mothers press firmly but gradually inward with one thumb for 10-15 seconds, three times.
Back Point 6 : For poor circulation press these points hard and inward with two thumbs for 5-7 seconds, three times.
Back Point 8 : For breathing problems press these points hard and inward with two thumbs for 5 to 7 seconds, three times.
Elbow Point 1 : For any problem relating to arm, press the point hard for 5 to 7 seconds, three times.
Ankle Point 5 : Press this point hard inward for 7 to 10 seconds, three times to get relief in sciatica, dizziness and epilepsy cases.
Knee Point 7 : For any pain in the ankle or head press hard inward for 7 to 10 seconds, thrice.
Ankle Foot Point 4 : For kidney malfunction one should press this point hard and inward with one thumb for 7 to 10 seconds.
Ankle Foot Point 6 : You get relief if there be any problem relating to ankle pain, insomnia, overweight, digestive problems or menstrual pain or any female sexual problem, by pressing this point hard inward with one thumb for 5 to 7 seconds, three times.
Face Point 5 : If you feel any ringing in the ears, press hard and inward with index finger for 7 to 10 seconds, three times.

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