The diagnostic stick helps search for the curative points of correspondence and for their stimulation with the help of Acupressure. After correct finding the points with the diagnostic stick, they should be massaged strongly enough to provide the affected area with the necessary amount of curative waves. As the massage proceeds the pain in the point will decrease and get replaced with a sensation of warmth. The condition of the patient simultaneously improves.
Diagnostic sticks can be made of metal, wood, bones and other materials with rounded points of various diameter. This enables to select a stick with the head of the right diameter suitable for a correspondence system of any size as shown in figure.

Diagnostic Stick with four tips (Jimmy)

In emergency cases, when there is no diagnostic stick as hand, a match, pen, blunt pencil etc. can be used to search for points of correspondence. But caution should be taken not to damage the skin with the tools chosen for stimulation. Massage of some points of correspondence (the heart, liver, kidneys) in the standard systems of hands and feet can be made with fingers.
If the massage of a correspondence point with the diagnostic sticks, or other tool or finger improves the patient’s condition within one or two minutes, the point has been selected correctly. In such cases the massage should be continued till the complete disappearance of pain and a sensation of warmth in the point of correspondence. Or, seeing the improvement of the patient’s condition (i.e. the right point has been selected), one can stimulate the point with the help of other tools: place needles, fix superficial stimulators moxas etc.
Metal Stars
The metal star is a prolonged action applicator to the correspondence point. It is applied to the point with the help of an adhesive plaster. A sharp pain upon mere pressing it indicates that the metal star has been correctly applied. The shift of the metal star in relation to the curative point by even one millimeter sharply reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

Application of a Metal star

If upon pressing the metal star there is no pain, it is necessary to locate the right point and reposition the star.
While massaging the area the patient himself would press the star from time to time. The duration of star stimulation depends on the disease. It can vary from several hours to several days.
Different sizes of metal stars allow to enhance effectiveness of their action while working with correspondence systems of various sizes. So, in treatment through the mini and micro systems the stars of smaller diameter are applied, working with the basic systems of correspondence larger stars are required, especially for stimulation of points located on the palmar and plantar surfaces of hands and feet respectively.
Additionally, the fact that the stars made of white colour metal produce a more marked sedative effect can be taken into account. They are put on points of correspondence to the organs and parts of the body, if the disease manifests itself by enhancing their functional activity. The stars of yellow metal have a stronger stimulating effect. They are preferred if the disease is associated with the decrease in the functional activity of an organ or body.
Magnet Stars
Mechanical stimulation of a correspondence point produced by this applicator is intensified due to the magnet. Magnet stars are usually applied for several hours, the basic rules of application being the same as with metal stars.
However, care should be taken when using magnet stars for treating patients with hypersensitivity to magnets. Dizziness, weakness or other unpleasant

Stick ring and round magnets

sensations may appear. On appearance of such symptoms magnet stars should be removed and replaced with other types of stimulators (metal star, moxa, needle, etc). Therefore, patients with fixed magnet stars should be carefully observed during the first 20 minutes of treatment.
For stimulation of correspondence areas various types of magnets are widely used: round magnets of various diameters, long magnets, so called sticks, and ring magnets. Magnets have standard colouring. A round white top magnet faces the skin with its North Pole. A yellow top magnet faces the skin with its South Pole.

Application of stick magnets for treatment in the system of correspon-dence: A-Situation of peristalsis of the large intestine in constipation:
B-Sedation in the area of the esophagus and the stomach in vomiting

A stick magnet is a flat elongated stimulator, whose magnetic field lines are directed from the white end towards the yellow. They are used to create a targeted energy flow in the corres-pondence area. For example, to increase the large intestine peristalsis, a stick magnet should be positioned so that its magnetic field vector coincide with the peristalsis direction, and for slower peristalsis the magnetic field vector should be opposite to the direction of the peristalsis.

Application of long and multi-ring magnets: A-Treatment of diseases of the spine using long magnets: B-Application of multi-ring magnets for sedation (C) and tonification

Big and small ring magnets of different size should be used to sedate or stimulate the correspondence areas. For stimulating in cases of reduced functional activity of the organ or part of the body, a magnet of white colour is placed in the centre of a yellow ring, for sedating the area with increased functional activity a white ring magnet with a yellow one in the centre is used.
However the final choice is made on the basis the patient’s response. The so-called application diagnosis is made. The patient should be observed for several minutes after the treatment started. If after a ring magnet application the patient gets worse, the magnets should be upturned, so that the other side of the magnet face the surface of the skin. The magnets are fixed in points of correspondence with the help of an adhesive plaster.
Ring magnets can be also used for action on points of corporal meridians with the purpose of their tonification or sedation.
For stimulation of correspondence points other types of magnets—long and multi-ring ones—may be also used. The direction of their magnetic field vector is determined similarly to those of the stick magnets and ring magnets, but their effect can be enhanced by successively placing magnets can be applied for treatment of chronic diseases of the spine. They are placed on the area of correspondence to the affected part of the spine, by selecting the right direction of the magnetic field vector. It is possible to provide treatment though the systems of correspondence of different sizes with a multiringed magnet, after placing the necessary number of rings and thus increasing or reducing its sizes.
Massage rings
Elastic massage rings have a profound effect in treatment through the systems of correspondence. They are used when the whole arm, leg or considerable part of the trunk are involved in the process and simultaneous stimulation of a great number of correspondence points is necessary. The ring is put to a finger and it intensively rolled till the massaged finger gets red. As the whole body is projected on to each finger in the insect system, such massage is used for preventive, health improving purposes. Elastic rings are especially effective for treatment of patients with diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and locomotor systems.

Treatment with a massage ring (Rubber band can also be used)

The application of massage rings is a simple method of stimulation, accessible to everybody, as it does not require accurate location of points and the patient can massage them at and convenient time or when needed.
To enhance the treatment effect coloured rings are used selected on the basis of Eight Energies theory taking into account the character of the disease.
Roller and Tube Massagers
Roller, tube and universal massagers can be used for superficial stimulation of correspondence areas located on flat and rough surfaces, where they help achieve a good curative effect. They produce the same effect as massage rings.

Roller and Tube massagers

Stimulation with the roller is provided till a sensation of warmth and reddening in the correspondence area appear.
A roller massager is a multifunctional tool. The handle of the roller massager has the head of a diagnostic stick on the opposite side. There are roller massagers with replaceable tips of various sizes which allows to use these tools in search of correspondence points.
Chestnut massagers with acute cones on the surface are very convenient for stimulating massage of hands and feet. Their application is similar to the tube and roller massagers.
Seeds of Plants
Seeds are the most frequently used natural stimulators of the correspondence points. Intact seeds of suitable size and density and capable of sprouting are selected for treatment. These are usually seeds of buckwheat, apples, millet, radish, beet, peas, beans, pepper, grapes, etc. Fresh seeds covered by a natural shell are the best.

Treatment with the help of seeds

Seeds are fixed in points of correspondence with an adhesive plaster. Seeds are used not only as agents of mechanical stimulation. They carry information about the whole plant and have particular energy properties that are partially manifest in their colour and shape. During stimulation exchange of energy between the seed and the point of correspondence occurs. Seeds can be similarly applied for action on the energy points.
The colour of the seeds is selected depending on the disease. In inflammation it is better to use seeds of black, brown or white colour (colours carrying the energies of Dryness and Coldness, which antisubjugate and subjugate the Heat of inflammation). With lithogenesis (stone formation), destructive and other processes caused by the energy of Coldness, it is better to use seeds of red or yellow colour (Heat antisubjugates, and Humidity subjugates Coldness). With Humidity symptoms (oedemas, dull aches, heaviness) it is necessary to apply green (wind or black) (Coldness) seeds, etc.
The effect of maximum Homo-interaction is achieved by selection of seeds of a particular shape similar to that of the affected organ. For example, in kidney diseases it is recommended to use seeds of peas, beans and in cardiac pathologies seeds of guelder and pumpkin.
Besides thumb and fingers some other objects have also been devised to apply pressure at the precise reflex points. These gadgets are made of rubber, solid plastic etc. The one object is a kind of rolling pin. This object is used to apply pressure on soles and other points. Owing to its versatile use, it is also called’ Jimmi’. The other object is a rubber ball like thing with protrusion. It is also called Acupressure magic massager owing to its very efficacious use. When these objects are not being used to apply pressure and you are using only your thumb and fingers, the right way of applying pressure is shown in figure.

As is shown in the figure while applying pressure the thumb should be moved in clockwise direction for activating the reflex points more effectively.
The pressure with the magic massager could be applied in two ways: either simultaneous pressure in both the hands by placing the magic massager in between or separately. In the first way, place the massager in both the hands and press it for five to seven seconds at the required reflex points. While giving pressure the massager should also be gently rotated in the hands. When giving pressure at the reflex point one by one, at one hand hold the massager and move it gently by pressing it with your hand. This kind of pressure technique is especially effective for those patients who are afflicted with paralysis or palsy as is normally the cases are. They should keep on holding the magic massager in their hand one by one and keep on applying pressure to revive their hand muscles. Magic massager is found to be especially effective in their case.
In case the patients hand skin is hard, the pressure should always be applied with these objects. While applying the pressure these objects should be rotated in a clockwise direction like you do with your thumb and finger as shown in the figure.
Pressure on the foot Points
Now consider the two apparatus especially designed to give pressure on the foot points. The only problem with these is the pressure given by them is not pin pointed.

The first object is a kind of rolling pin with tiny protrusions. It is specially designed in such away that each point on the foot may receive the pressure when the patient is asked to press it by his foot or he or she may stand on it. The ideal way is to make the patient sit on a comfortable sofa or chair and press the rolling pin with small protrusions by his foot one by one. He or she may also stand on if in case an intense pressure at each point is required. This rolling pin should be used in a variety of way for early cure. Rolling it on the heel by holding it in the hand is also a good way of giving extra pressure on the required reflex points on the heel. This is especially good to cure stomach ailments and reduce obesity.

Walking mat

The other object is a kind of rubber sheet with tiny protrusion spread all over. The patient should just stand on it for 10 to 15 minutes every day. This sheet can also be used in making slippers or shoes for the patient. After the slipper is made put sheet over it and get it glued on the upper sole of the slippers. The patient’s wearing it casually at home would give the desired pressure automatically.
Besides giving pressure this way to the fingers of hand and feet, the rubber bands can also be used for the same purpose. This sort of pressure application is found helpful in curing the ailments connected with the face and mind like paralysis of the face, headache, toothache, eye and ear troubles, gout etc.
The rubber bands should be tied over the fingers and toes for about one to five minutes, not more than five minutes in any case. Make sure that the colour of the tip of the fingers or toes does not start turning blue, indicating the stopped supply of the blood to these portions. Remove the rubber bands before the tips start turning blue. Having removed the rubber band massage the end points of the toes and finger gently in order to restore the normal supply of blood.

Use of plastic clips

Instead of the rubber bands the clips which are used to hold the clothes when they are dried could also be used . It is better to use plastic clips instead of the metal clips as the former sometimes creates the wound on the end parts of the fingers. How these fingers are to be clipped is shown above in figure.
Although the above mentioned methods using clips and rubber bands are useful yet most effective ones are the ones that use jimmy or the rubber pointed rolling pins. It is observed that initially people have their concerned parts swollen or the reflex points in the hands and feet start aching. It is because the crystals (foreign material) are forced to leave the points they were stationed at, causing somewhat vacuum in which the accumulated air creates counter pressure to give the feeling of pain or swelling. This is a natural consequence and should not cause any unwanted worry. The best course is to stop giving pressures at those points for a day or two. Then the pressures could be applied and there would not be any swelling or feeling of pain.
How Much Pressure Is To Be Given
This is very vital to ascertain before giving the pressure. Normally the pressure should be as much as to reach the reflex points below the skin. It should be neither very intense nor very mild. Initially the pressure applied should be minimum. The moment swelling comes up or the reflex point starts aching, it should mean that the pressure is reaching the desired reflex point. Then after, giving a gap of a day or two the same amount of pressure should be applied. The provision should also be made for the texture of the skin and natural tenacity of the part the pressure being applied at. The points on the knees, ankles do require somewhat intense pressure to active the reflex points. Some parts which are fleshy, like the heel etc. should bear more intense pressure.

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