27. Food for Different Diseases

Every type of food is different in taste and qualities. So, it is must to take full caution what to eat in different diseases.
By the word ‘Cancer’ it is generally believed that any abnormal growth, in the shape of ulcers or tumours, whether it is benign or malignant, and is capable of extending and spreading to the connected tissues and organs. In astrology the fourth zodiac sign is cancer (pictured as crab) which is synonymous with the crawling cancer. The reptile cancer, has ability to extend its paws to adjoining parts. About 1700 years ago Gallen, a famous physician of those days, opined, ‘Just as a crab’s feet extend from every part of its body so in this disease the veins are distended forming a similar figure. In Ayurveda it’s rightly called Karkat (Cancer). Cancer can appear/surface at or around any organ of the human body where there is low protective resistance. Another school of thought is of the view that certain deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, vegetables and juices (known as food deficiency) can also cause cancer. No organ of body is immune from attack of cancer but organs like, brain, eyes, tongue, throat, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys and other urinary organs, uterus, vagina are known seats of cancerous growths. Following causes, as far as diet is concerned, are believed to be the factors which precipitate onset of cancer.

  • Strong spices condiments which are irritating and astringents.
  • Dietary fat.
  • Overweight and obese persons, particularly women, have increased risk of breast cancer, whereas men may have cancer of prostate and colon.
  • Low-fibre diets have also increased risk in causing colon’s cancer. Alcohol intake, regular and excessive consumption, can cause cancer of liver, mouth, pharynx, oesophagus.
  • Tobacco, used in any form, can cause cancer of mouth, tongue, throat, larynx, cheeks and of any portion of sub-mucous area.
  • Following intake of nutrients is imperative for prevention of cancer :
  • Vitamin E and C (due to antioxidant properties)
  • Dr. Lunus Pauling recommends a daily dose of 30 to 40 gms per day for cancer cure.
  • Vitamin A (due to Carotene factor in it)
  • Selenium.
  • Double the fibre intake in food (say 25-35 gms per day)
  • Total calorie intake to be reduced by 1/3rd.
  • By taking foods which contain plenty of Vitamin A and C.
  • Bowel cancer may be prevented by raised dosage of calcium, preferably through dairy products.
  • High saturated animal fat and deficiency of essential nutrients to be compensated.
  • Red meats with high seasoned fats and spices.
  • Stimulants like fried foods, soft drinks, high protein foods, tea, coffee, coco and other like irritants and stimulants.

In general, never avoid taking following foods, so as to prevent onset/recurrence of cancer :
Natural skimmed milk, butter milk, yoghurt, milk butter, high fibre foods, vegetable soups (preferably without the addition of any spices/salts), raw vegetables and fruits and their juices (in blend and nature fresh form), low fat foods, vegetable and fruit stews, low salt, oat meal, selenium containing edibles like onion, garlic, mushroom, celery, cucumber, broccoli, asparagus, radish, brewer’s yeast, brown rice, whole grains, other vegetables like kale, (a kind of cabbage) turnip, horse-radish, cauliflower, sprouts (brussels), etc. which belong to cruciferous group of vegetables.
Prof. Bauer opines, we are justified in concluding that nutritive food, whatever its nature, can protect us from cancer and his views are confirmed, though in more detailed nature, by Dr. J. P. Davidson, a cancer specialist in the U.S.A., ‘Cancer is a disease of malnutrition. It is nothing but a vitamin deficiency disease. What is required is to detoxify the whole body by consuming plenty of fruit and vegetable juices. This is the only key to good health and to keep your body free from the attack of degenerative disease.’
Body’s warning signals to recognise/suspect real or impending danger of cancer, if there is any :
Bloody discharge from any opening of the body.
Persistent cough or hoarseness or pain in the throat.
Any visible change in the size or colour of a wart or mole.
Any sore which does not heal, particularly if the same occurs about lips, mouth or tongue.
Any painless lump or the thickening in the breast or for that matter, anywhere else in the body.
Difficulty in swallowing or persistent and long standing indigestion.
Before concluding on ‘Cancer’ it may be pointed out that cancer is nomeclated by various names and its nomeclation depends on the organs which it affects.
Carcinoma : Skin cancer of glands or membranes or skin
Sarcoma : Cancer of connective tissues bones or muscles
Melanoma : Cancer of pigment cells of the skin.
Leukaemia : It is commonly known as blood cancer.
Lymphoma : It is cancer of lymphatic nodes.
Cancer is neither a hereditary disease nor is it communicable or contagious. It is the result of man’s self-indulgence and lack of wisdom.
According to the experiments conducted and later practised on cancer patients Dr. Davidson was of the decided opinion, rather conviction that, by applying one piece of crushed garlic with a sticking plaster, on the affected part and renewing the same after every 4 hours, cancerous growths of the skin disappeared within a very short time. Further, it may be mentioned that he kept his patients on fruit and vegetable juice only as he did not use any kind of cereal during the course of his treatment of cancer patients. He even came to the conclusion that herbal medicines were equally beneficial for the purpose.
Arthritis : It is noticed in three forms viz (i) It is called Rheumatoid arthritis when connective tissues around joints, particularly in hands, get diseased; (ii) but when smooth cartilages of joints start degenerating, spaces between bones, especially of knee joints, get reduced, when synovial fluid either dries up or is not supplied by the system to mobilise joints, it is called osteo-arthritis. Finally (iii) when the bones start deforming (The bone may bend inwards or outwards it is called arthritis deformans). Arthritis of any etiology, affects the larger joints. It is not hereditary, so to say. As is well known, osteo-arthritis is caused by massing up of inorganic calcium deposits in the joints which contain precipitates of small crystals, which, again are believed to be causative of wear and tear of joints, cartilages and also depletion in synovial fluid.
Gout : It is a hereditary disease which is caused by the excessive uric acid and affects small joints, like hands, fingers, wrist, elbow, toe, foot fingers. Gout is said to be caused by deposit of uric acid crystals around small joints and tissues, faulty diet which is rich in fats. All the affected joints are hot, shiny, inflammed and extremely painful with tenderness and difficult to move. The patient passes high coloured offensive urine which has nauseating odour. Gout, begins from big toe and is so, rightly called ‘an inflammation of big toe, in particular’.
Rheumatism: It is a disease marked by pain in joints or muscles, which is generally of recurrent nature, and is often caused by exposure. Rheumatic fever or rheumatism (acute) is an infectious disease but the former can cause serious complications, like chronic invalidism, heart problem (Rheumatic heart) or death even. Painful affection of muscles and joints is called simply as ‘rheumatism’. Later on, it may cause enough of stiffness of joints, bluish red swelling of legs may be noticed in long drawn and protracted cases. Lumbago and torticollis are the other varieties of muscular rheumatism.

Diet therapy is useful in all the said forms of joints and muscles. Some of the symptoms are caused by allergies caused by certain foods or even reactions. So, it is equally important to know which food item has caused the maladies and what important foods have been avoided, overtly or covertly, but were necessary to be used.
In all cases soft drinks, additives, egg yolk, fried foods, red meats and their broth, vinegar, hot spices, alcohol, smoking, roasted dry nuts etc. should be avoided. Low sugar, low fat, low salt diets should be taken, It has been held and confirmed by experts that milk and fruit products do not cause allergies that precipitate arthritis. In foods, vegetables like pepper of all kinds, (not white and black pepper) egg plant, tomato etc., can cause allergies and thus trigger arthritis.
Peas, beans, spinach, asparagus, dal (Pulse) of black gram, mushrooms are known causative of gouty conditions. In our opinion high protein diet should be given up by all the gouty persons. Dr. Stanley Davidson affirms that diet is a known factor for 50% uric acid in a healthy and normal person and the rest of 50% is produced by the body itself. But, suitability of a particular food item or otherwise depends largely upon individual response of a person. Hence, suitability is a relative term, because an edible which may do good to a person may not be that useful or else harmful and vice versa.

  • Vitamin C deficiency is considered to cause arthritis and rheumatism, in addition to Vitamin B complex and E. In order to be an effective preventive and curative device, a daily dose of 500-1000 mg Vitamin C, 400-600 I.U. Vitamin E and 1000 mg calcium apart from general and combined dose of Vitamin B Complex.
  • According to Dr. Roger Williams Vitamin B-2, B-5 and B-6 can treat arthritis and he further observes that Vitamin B-5 (Pentatonic acid) is of undoubted value, needed by deficient cells for providing relief in arthritis. This view is fully supported by Addle Davis when she observes that arthritis is a disease of adrenal exhaustion. Diet and supplements to stimulate natural adrenal production are necessary and therefore there is need for Vitamin B-5.
  • Copper plays an important and vital role in the health of joints. Further, an active and healthy thyroid stimulates the adrenal glands to greater cortisone production. It is a well known fact that iodine helps thyroid gland to properly function (because iodine is a catalyst for normal calcium metabolism.)
  • To combat arthritis, Vitamin B-3, in high doses was extremely helpful (Drs. Haffer and Hart). Dr. William Brady, on the contrary, is of the opinion that ‘Degeneration of the joint tissue is due to nutritional deficiency and that is a calcium, Vitamin B and D, and iodine deficiency For normal cartilage formation around joints both calcium and Vitamin C are necessary. Calcification takes place only when hydrochloric acid is low in stomach.
  • In short a daily dose of 400-600 I.U. of Vitamin-E, 500-1000 mg of Vitamin C, B-Complex, 1000 mg of calcium, and adequate amount of copper and iodine may suffice to prevent such diseases from surfacing.
  • Alfalfa : Alfalfa rids our system of toxity, hence it is a detoxifier of high order and, in addition, it is rich in protein, vitamins and chlorophyll. For joint affections, its tea is used and for that purpose only seeds are to be used and not its leaves. Its seeds should be cooked and simmered on heat (but not heated to a boiling point) only in a non-metallic pan, fully covered with a lid. After simmering, strain its whole contents. Take 4-5 tea-cups of the strained water daily for 14 to 21 days. It can be refrigerated also if needed.
  • Celery: It is rich in organic sodium which keeps both magnesium and lime soluble, thus removing and reducing calcium deposits on various joints of body. Freshly obtained juice in divided doses of its leaves and stalk should be used. If celery juice tastes unpalatable, it should be mixed with carrot juice but, where celery is not available, it could be substituted with juice of cucumber. Its juice is both curative and preventive of arthritis but, in order to gain relief, it should be used for some time.
  • Cod liver oil : It is rich in Vitamin A and D and is a lubricant of high order and, thus, restores mobility of joints and also controls arthritis. It is now available in capsule form also. The stalwarts who carried experiments have claimed 98% success in treating cases of chronic arthritis even. I know the case of a person who took two capsules of cod liver oil pearls (one each in morning and the other at night) daily for years together with dedicated regularity and had never had any joints and respiratory problems. His joints were so strong and flexible that he cycled for about 40-50 kms daily. His joints were flexible (not rigid and stiff). He still enjoys stronger joints and lungs and looks much younger than his sons even.
  • 12 pecans + I Banana + I heaped teaspoonful each of wheat germ and Brewer’s yeast should be taken for two weeks for getting rid of arthritis and its other complications. The said food plan was tried on a number of persons having arthritis and the results are said to have been amazingly encouraging.
  • If someone is not allergic to potatoes he can try juice of raw potatoes which dissolves lime and uric acid (Diabetics are warned not to use it, unless medically advised.)
  • Muskmelon also neutralises various acids in the body, and also helps to keep excessive calcium in a suspended solution of sodium. Hence in rheumatism and osteo-arthritis it is of unquestioned value. It is an age old remedy for removing urinary obstruction. Said to be an effective vehicle for removing small stones in the urinary passage for which its rind, seeds or juice are used. Similarly bitter-gourd (Karela) honey and strawberries are also useful in rheumatic and gouty conditions. Due to its sodium, sulphur, chlorine and mineral contents guava is another fruit which helps in keeping contents of uric acid under normal limits.
  • Sprouted wheat germs have plenty of enzymes within them which assist in building up immune system and correct dysfunction of human body.
  • Uric acid is also eliminated by Parsley.
  • Seeds of fenugreek can be easily substituted for cod liver oil. These are useful in diabetes also.
  • High content of potassium and sodium, present in beet root, prevents unnecessary calcium deposits in the body, especially arthritis. In the same way apple cider vinegar, asparagus, saffron, corn silk tea, Yerrow herbal tea, Ginseng contribute a lot in mitigation of various complaints arising from gout, arthritis and rheumatism.

Urinary system comprises of kidneys, ureters, bladder, penis. If urinary flow is scant/suppressed, this disorder can be due to some stone, venereal diseases, dietary fads and indiscretions, cancerous growths, endocrine glands malfunctioning. Stones are the main culprits which cause various urinary problems. Here, it is not possible to spell out causes and symptoms of all urinary disorders. Stones owe their origin to presence, in excess, of urates, oxalates, phosphates, uric acid and calcium. Intake of certain foods are etiological factors in formation of urinary stones. Organ meats, herrings, alcohol, sardines etc. can cause stones of uric acid formation. Oxalate stones are said to be formed by spinach, tomatoes, beet root, figs, dates, plums, strong tea and coffee, red meats, raspberries and strawberries, milk and its products. So, in order to get a near immunity, abstain from the above mentioned food items. In addition, also avoid high seasoned, fatty, starchy, fried and spicy food. Even use of musk melon and raw apples is also not conducive in such conditions. Always take, as far as feasible, diet low in calories, and fibre to minimise the possibility of gall stones. Following preventive measures may eliminate or, at least delay, possibility of Renal Calculi.

  • Barley water or lemon juice are useful measures for this malady. Ensure that the urine does not get high coloured, scanty or suppressed due to lack of water intake. Take at least 4 litres of water daily to keep uric acid crystals liquified. Peel of musk melon, boiled in water, will remove obstruction in the urinary passage.
  • Juice or Water of watermelon (raw) is a useful diuretic. It flushes out toxins from the system, removes burning sensation, hesitancy and pain.
  • Water of coconut is a useful and deep urinary purifier and diuretic. It is a boon in correcting disorders of liver, urinary system, including restoring and normalising free flow of urine.
  • Juice of parsley helps to break renal stones, remove toxins and foreign body matters from the body. Strain juice of parsley and use it for at least for some weeks to cure stones in bladder and kidneys. One may use also, tea prepared from fresh parsley. Corn silk tea is equally useful for the said diseases.
  • Asparagus juice also restores normal functioning of kidneys, crushes oxalic acid crystals to pulverised form.
  • Urinary infections can be removed by fresh canberries ground and mixed with honey.
  • Rice bran (20 gms or so per day) also prevents stones in kidney, due to its inherent quality of possessing acid phytic that does not let unwanted calcium to spill over to urine.
  • Seeds of pumpkin restore and also preserve virility in the male and protect the prostate gland.
  • It is also said that 50 gms of lady fingers, boiled in hot water, should be strained and taken twice daily for maintaining normal urinary flow, as also for health of urinary organs. I differ on this opinion, for the simple reason, that sticky element in the lady’s finger is not conducive for the urinary system, more so for stones which owe their formation to oxalic acid. Any food item that contains any sticky substance should be eliminated.

Cough, Laryngitis, Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Pneumonia, Bronchopneumonia, Asthma, Catarrh, Coryza are major disorders of the respiratory system, A person can show reaction to certain sudden weather changes, air pollution, food items, hard drinks, smoking, some hard drinks, chemicals, scents and fragrances, drugs, (to name a few causative only). Reaction to any one or more of the above mentioned conditions and/or objects we properly know as allergic reactions.
It is not easy to deduce and pin point a particular allergen which is capable of causing allergic reactions, for the simple reason that in a particular condition a person may show favourable response while, in the other he might show adverse reactions. Mental condition of a person also plays an important role in respiratory disorders. Medically, histamine is the cause of various respiratory problems but, let it be not forgotten that whatever we eat has direct bearing on our whole physical apparatus. Effort should always be directed to strengthen the immune system, to cause excretion of toxic and foreign matter from the body, keep movement of bowels to perfect normalcy, It is difficult to believe that a person, being ignorant or unaware of the causes which have triggered the disease, will often disclose to his doctor that, after taking such food item or after moving into changed, climatic changes, he got the infection.
It clearly points out to two admissions by the patient himself viz. (1) he ate an edible which did not suit him, or there was/were some items in food to which he normally was not accustomed and, (2) he landed himself in an unfavourable weather condition. The doctor’s ability lies in detecting the causes which created odd or unknown symptoms. His effort should be to strike at the root cause, instead of clipping the branches of the disorder. If the doctor is able to deduce the cause(s), half of the battle he has won and rest untreated part will be taken care of by his medicine, advice and follow up action by the patient. If body’s resistance power is good, it can stand to most of changes in food items and weather conditions. Outward impression and inward reactions occur only when a person’s immune strength has weakened. So, the first prerequisite is to adjust your food habits to meet the challenges posed by changes in new dietary pattern and climate. Once the body is in a position to acclamatise itself to new environs, it won’t fall a prey to such disorders. Balanced food not only provides nutrition to our body, it also builds up resistance, purges unwanted foreign matters from the body, dispels toxins and also fortifies our body to face boldly the challenges thrown by wrong diet and unfriendly weather conditions.

  • In order to protect himself, a person should try to use garlic clove (fresh and raw). Its quick penetration property helps to dissolve expel and liquify mucus in the respiratory tract. A French herbal expert obtained success in 60% cases of asthma and in 30% cases a downward trend of the asthmatic symptoms was observed. In bronchitis, 10% of the patients were cured
  • whereas 80% showed improvement. He gave garlic by mouth, in addition to giving foot bath in the said respiratory disorders.
  • A few patients develop allergic asthma or breathing problem due to pollens. Its bad effects can be removed by honey which also mitigates cough and inflammatory conditions. Honey, if given with a pinch of borax (suhaga) powder, will remove and expel even tenacious mucus from nose, throat and bronchial tubes. Suhagha should be heated on a hot iron plate (Tawa). To make it further stronger, 50-60 mg of licorice (Powder of Mulethi) powder may also be added to the said compound. Borax powder should not exceed a pinch per dose or else its excessive quantity is liable to cause loose motions.
  • Vitamin C builds up natural resistance of the body to resist onset of many diseases. Its source, is Amla which, taken in any form, retains its natural quality of Vitamin C which should be obtained chiefly from natural foods.
  • Asparagus should, before use, be cooked and 6-8 teaspoons should be taken daily to have respiratory symptoms subsided.
  • Tea, prepared from thyme (Ajawain), is very beneficial in the treatment and relief of asthma, stuck up phlegm in lungs and also in whooping cough (as also rise of bouts in the whooping cough). It should be mixed with sugar and lemon juice to derive more and quicker benefits. The tea, prepared from chamomile, also expels tough and clammy phlegm from the air passages and thus facilitates breathing process, relaxes all the respiratory system, is anti-inflationary also.
  • Prepare a decoction of barley, and mix honey and lemon in it. This compound decoction will relieve even awful bronchial, asthmatic and sore throat conditions.
  • Boil spinach and strain its juice which should be used, with advantage, in all conditions of sore throat and tonsillitis.
  • Mix juices of spinach and carrot or celery/radish for an all round improvement in breathing problems.
  • Inhale combined essences of clove, pepper mint and eucalyptus oils to seek freedom nasal blockade, sore throat, sinusitis and congestion in the lungs.
  • Juice of grape fruit may be tried for influenza.
  • Vitamin C & E help to remove excess of mucus and help muscle walls of the small bronchi to relax.
  • Saffron, taken with hot milk and also if it is rubbed on and around chest after it has been put in hot ghee (clarified butter). In winter make sure that the massaged parts of the body do not remain exposed to cold winds.

Mouth is the main door-way through which all our food enters into our stomach. From the stomach, process of digestion takes place in full form. As soon as the food enters into our mouth, it should be masticated and reduced to a fine pulp with help of saliva. Such a well masticated food, when reaching the stomach, does not exert much strain on the stomach to overwork and exert much. Well digested food is the only source to energise, sustain and enliven various body functions. It is, therefore, well in order to eat only easily digestible food rich in all the essential vitamins minerals, green leafy vegetables, fats, carbohydrates, proteins etc. In a way one should always take a well balanced diet by which one’s system should never be vitiated by unnatural means. Spicy, fried, fat rich, finely milled wheat flour and polished rice should always be avoided. Avoid all foods which are spice-rich and contain too much of saturated fats. As and when necessary, never miss an occasion for food substitutes lest your food becomes a cause for monotony. Use plenty of salads, fruit and vegetables juices, milk. Avoid condiments, fast foods etc. red meats, all liquors, Spices and condiments, fast foods etc.
Note : suggestions on how, what and what not to eat, will be detailed in the following pages which should be studied as suggested guidelines for dealing with diet as a whole.
Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is a condition which accounts for onset of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease alongwith their attendant symptoms. As a first step effort should be of both preventive and curative measures. If the basic cause is not ruled out and eliminated, the resultant diseases may seem to have abated, for the time being, but may surface again in the absence of corrective measures. The damage and the ravages caused by arteriosclerosis, may not be fully brought under control but their further and the damages, that are likely to surface, can be easily minimised, if not fully eliminated, High blood pressure exerts adverse effects on sensorium brain, heart, kidneys and some other vital organs, if blood pressure is controlled then further damage to vital organs can, at least, be suspended. It may again be mentioned that high blood pressure, like diabetes, can only be controlled and treated but not cured once forever. Do not feel elated if blood pressure is found to be normal for some days and this progress should not be construed to mean that, since blood pressure is under control, there is no need to take any anti-hypertensive drugs.
In fact, such treatment and the medicines, suggested therefor, should never be delayed or discontinued, except under medical advice. This is more true in cases of essential hypertension, when the real cause has not been deduced. If the real and basic cause has been discerned, then treatment of the affected organs will in itself, let the blood pressure remain under normal limits. The latter condition is known as primary hypertension, which is far easier to cure than the former condition. Let all the hypertensive patients never forget that they will be simply exposing themselves to far horrible risks and, at times, even with irreversible symptom leading even to fatal end. Imagine what would the condition of a person if he loses his vision or he gets paralysed, due to sheer negligence.
Coronary heart disease and high blood pressure are merely extended forms of the accumulation, in higher concentration, of cholesterol which, in turn, owes its origin to wrong habits and, more so, of wrong food habits and faulty living life style. The chief cause is wrong food and rise in cholesterol is merely a result thereof. Had there been no food fats and wrong eating, there would have been no rise in cholesterol. Some of the prominent symptoms of blood pressure may be summed up as : Tension, worries and cares of modern life style and self-imposed indiscretions and relaxations, blurred vision, severe headache, throbbing of blood vessels and temples, reddened face, insomnia, bleeding (in extreme case) from any orifice (opening) of the body, palpitation, pain in chest, swelling in the face and ankles, excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea or vomiting.
All the above conditions surface when, due to accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, the passage becomes narrower and the blood exerts pressure on the walls of the arteries which, due to lack of flexibility and narrow passage, are not in a position to cope with pressure of blood. As result of blockade and hardening of the arteries, the blood supply to the heart is retread, resulting in palpitation and, sometimes, pain in heart region. It can now be deduced that cholesterol is the main cause for all the heart diseases, kidney problems and for that matter, all of the symptoms mentioned above. Following steps may help in reducing blood pressure and keeping the same within normal confines.

As a rule all saturated fats, tobacco, tea, coffee, strong drinks, meats should be avoided but should be substituted by unsaturated fats, bland diet, rich in green leafy vegetables, fruits. Avoid all types of irritant and precipitating factors. Foods, rich in cholesterol, as mentioned earlier also, bears repetition. Beef, mutton, chicken, oyster, chicken, crab, shrimp, lobster and eggs increase cholesterol in blood, as far as meat products are concerned. Saturated fats like cream, ghee, butter, dalda (vegetable ghee), margarine, coconut oil should be ruled out from diet, or at least tapered to minimum level of consumption. Vegetable fats should be substituted by soyabean oil, maize oil, sunflower oil, generally. Adopt the habit of low salt, low calorie, low fat.
It is also important to detoxify body, by means of juices of fresh fruits and vegetables. The obese must try to shed extra weight by means of regular physical activity, dietary regimen. Avoid sleeping during early hours in the morning. Cultivate an active habit of early to bed and early to rise. Keep your bowels in good humour. Avoid constipation at any cost and, if there is any problem on that count, try to meet the situation by aid of natural means, but not by laxatives or purgatives, Do not ever agitate your mind or disturb your digestive system. Never hurry, worry or scurry. Feel normal and act and behave like a normal person.
As soon as you notice symptoms of high blood pressure, never delay seeking medical guidance and advice. Before concluding on this topic, it would be in order to resort to natural means but, if the situation demands medicinal use, it should never be delayed. There is no reason or cause for any alarm, under any circumstance, but a dilatory and complacent approach is also suicidal. Always avoid an acute angle approach. Sedentary and inactive life style, so called compulsions and constraints of modern life, unnatural living pattern, which seeks divorce from nature, is never a favourable option. If it is a matter of option, then why not opt for a better and healthier way in life instead of falling a prey.
Food and sexual disorders
Under this heading efforts would be made to dispel and remove certain inbuilt misgivings and disinformation and wrong notions which continue to torment both the sexes, as far as sexual relations, acts and inhibitions, which go a long way in making a married life happy or otherwise. Among women and men sex disorders are caused by mental approach, inhibitions, social customs and the personal, habits play a here for major part. Next to that comes one’s food habits and preferences therefor.
Sex is a natural tendency in all sexes and species. In animals it is present in the form of intuition but, in the human beings, it is a matter of satisfaction. It is an old saying that what we eat, we become. That is to say that our body is nurtured and maintained by food intake. A poor man takes his food to satiate his physical needs, a rich man, having different tastes and choices, is more inclined to tag his food habits with his social status. But, nobody can escape from sex acts and the pleasures drawn from it.
Among the ladies sex desire is related to their regular or otherwise menstrual cycles. A menopausal state is said is to be the end to sex life of a lady. This is a myth, as some ladies remain sexually active even after menopause. Sex life of a lady is generally alive from the age of puberty to the menopausal state but more active from the age of 15 to 40-45. Every woman is law unto herself and so, age is no consideration for sex desire, satisfaction and arousal for a woman.
As for men, they have longer span of sex life as compared to women. A man’s active sex life is said to be from the age of 15-18 to 45-50 and still beyond that, whereas a woman shows aversion and a withdrawn tendency. The difference in sex life and sex arousal organs and periods lies in sex organs of both the sexes, men get easily excited due to the fact that their sex organs are external whereas, in case of women, they are more internal. That is the reason why a woman takes longer time to get excited and also takes longer to satisfy. On the contrary, a man gets excited easily and also ejaculates much earlier. It won’t be amiss to point out that a man may be potent to one woman but impotent to another and even vice versa. Similarly, a woman may get sexuality excited even on the first sight or touch of a person but may have delayed or no sex arousal position with another person. We are not talking of Nymphomaniac and frigid women—they are two sides of the same coin, for they are only exceptions but not rules. Family problems, personal likes and dislikes, emotional stresses, social strains, financial upsets and uncertainties, quality and frequency of food intake, food habits and food fads, professional tensions are some of the reasons which can account for happy or unhappy sexual life of either or both the sexes. Sex ignorance, to our mind is another cause for break of marital relations and sexual aversions and indulgence.
In emperor Akbar’s court, after being sighted, while performing sex act, an aged couple was brought. When questioned as to why they were indulging in the sex, even at such an advance age, the man shot back that he cannot control his sexual passions as long as he takes food, and the woman replied that she cannot control her sex desire and act till she dies. In short, a man is sexually alive as long as one cats food and a woman is sexually alive even until the time of their death. But neither sex can survive without taking food in order to be sexually active and potent, a person must take a well balanced nutritious diet.

He should take dry fruits and nuts, milk, ghee, butter, cheese, raw ripe fruits like mango, grape, dates, grain, leafy vegetables. It is a general food advice which has to be adjusted according to physical needs of a person. Men must not resort to aphrodisiac medicines, as they benefit none but the publicists. Instead switch on to natural means to gain vitality. As for ladies, they should not take spicy and highly fried and deep cooked foods. Cereals, especially wheat and grain, are useful for all ages and sexes. During menstrual, pregnancy and post-delivery periods, ladies should rely more on liquids, blood building and nutritious foods, instead of tinned and bottled foods. They may be tasty but not nutritious. Pay attention to what and how much nutrition you derive and, above all, what suits you, and not what you spend. Good health is a pre-condition for all activities in life, including the sex activities.
Mind is an abstract form of brain. All the activities of the body are carried out as per the orders and dictates of the brain which is a nerve centre of body mechanism. If the body is healthy, the mind will also be healthy but, if the mind is not in good health, the body is bound to suffer immensely. So, proper health of body, mind and intellect (Brain) is a prerequisite for efficient and proper functions. Food deficiencies affect our nerves a lot. It is, therefore, necessary to keep our nervous system in perfect working condition. All the senses are motivated by brain, and nervous system helps the body to carry out orders of the brain. In this way, healthy nervous system is an efficient and potent conduit between mind, body and brain. Any sort of nerve upset will shatter the body into fragments, not letting it function in a proper way.
Neuritis, neuralgia, nervous break down, poor circulation, weak heart and digestion, all expressions, reactions, moderations, hypertension and many other diseases owe their origin to weak or sluggish nerve power. A person with normal nerve power can perform his daily chores in a more efficient way than a person with weakened nerves.
For insomnia, nervous debility, for jerky movements of legs and arms, take wheat germ, Vitamins B and C. Asparagus removes mental disorders and nervous debility. Fish stimulates brain and also energises it. Lettuce, thyme, barley, soyabean, coconut, cashew nut, spinach, radish, cucumber, yoghurt are general tonics for the brain. Jams of carrot, apple, amla, are brilliant brain tonics and all the milk products, cheese and yoghurt are the picks of dairy foods, out of which milk is all pervasive and all inclusive diet in itself. To keep your brain in healthy condition take 5 almonds (peeled and crushed), khas (poppy seeds), black pepper (35 nos), some clarified ghee (preferably of cow) with 5 ml of honey all to be mixed in milk. This should be taken at night, at the time of retiring to bed. To fortify it further one or two flakes of saffron may also be boiled with the milk (use saffron in winter and cold conditions only). In summer, milk may be taken cold or lukewarm. Dates (5-6 pieces) boiled in milk (after removing stones) are of unquestioned value in toning up Nervous system, in restoring virility and offsetting bad effects of cold.
A piece of amla jam on empty stomach in the morning is a good nerve tonic. Brewer’s yeast, melon and dried seeds of cucumber, if taken with dried grapes, can help restore health of Nervous System and memory. A decoction or fresh extract of Brahmi, Amla (or still better Triphala) Shankh-Pushpi, aided with some sugar candy, can also restore, sustain and improve nerve functioning. Carrots, beet root, spinach, tomato are all round energisers.
Whether a particular food item or combination of certain foods would suit and respond to requirement of a person, in so far as the desirability to retain, sustain and maintain nerve power is concerned, risk factors like, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, any heart problem, liver, kidney and defective organs diseases, should be taken into active consideration. Any food, visibly suggestive of meeting a nervous disorder, can prove its effect and utility only when risk factors have been eliminated and ruled out. If ‘wrongs’ have been caused by wrong foods, then the cure should also be achieved through dietary modifications.
All young persons require high caloric diet to make up for the energy expended in games, studies and other exercises. They require strong muscles, bones, eye-sight, good digestion and flexible joints. Their diet should be a balanced blend of Vitamins, Minerals, Cereals, high fibres, green vegetables, ripe fruits, proteins, carbohydrates, dairy and poultry foods. Give them a glass of whole milk daily, with some fresh/ripe fruits, or else juices of fruits and vegetables. Their diet should be rich in whole wheat/grain flour, soybeans, pulses, fats, eggs, fish etc.

Every effort should be made that growing children are never starved of a nutritionally balanced diet. Children should never be encouraged to have a preferred fascination for fast foods, fried foods, spicy and cooked foods or, for that matter, any food which is sold in the food joints. If the young ones are served the sort of food they seek outside in their own homes, there would be two advantages—firstly there shall not be any doubt as to the purity of the food served, and secondly it would be cost effective also, and finally the children and parents will have the satisfaction of having their meals together, with other members of their family. This togetherness is a boon and tonic for the entire family. Modern life style and faulty habits have rendered our home kitchens as barren places, for being used in emergent times/occasions only. Let us revive the culture of home kitchen and dinning table culture. Often change your food menus so that element of monotony is ruled out, Let the growing young people enjoy a wholesome and nutritious diet with their elders. Kitchen garden culture is a welcome device. It gives everybody a chance for gardening (which is an exercise), for procuring fresh and pure fruits and vegetables. It will bring down kitchen bill and will meet choosy and selective likings of many of the members (if not of all) of the family. Nature has innumerable foods to satiate demands of all the persons, and the farther we go away from the lap of Nature and fail to utilise and enjoy its riches, the nearer we reach to calamitous and terminal ends of our lives.
Finally, parents should not apply draconian rules to their children, who should be allowed occasional food deviations also. Always avoid a repulsive, rebound and reactionary situations. An unfriendly kitchen and an imposed food monotony is often the basic cause of break-up of many joint family kitchens. So, ensure good health of all, through satisfactory food from a common kitchen, to satiate even choosy taste buds.
Aging is a natural process, a nature’s own way to gradual degeneration of all vital forces and organs of the body. It is often said that one is as old as one feels. But, despite all such encouraging words and praises, there is no escape from old age, but there are definitely ways and means to preserve and, retain and if possible, to rejuvenate the body. William Wordsworth, in his poem ‘Seven stages of man’ has compared old age to child’s age. If we go deeply into comparative visual similarities there is not much difference in both the stages. In old age almost all the vital organs do not function as heretofore. One becomes dependent on others and seeks and pines for their support and courage but, when all such bare minimum support bases are either denied or withdrawn from him, he finds himself in a miserable and pitiable situation—with no hope of better days ahead. It is and should be a matter of social concern that old people deserve to be looked after in a far better and sympathetic way, supported properly and their just demands are conceded, at least for the sake of services they have rendered to their nation, in general, and family and other persons, in particular.
If proper care and caution is taken, during youth and middle age, about health an aged person is not going to face much of problems. Your facial appearance will reveal your age. The happier you remain or , at least try to remain so, your old age may not torment and tell upon your health and mind. When we are writing about food for good health, it looks a bit odd and innocuous to talk about factors leading to old age, including social aspects. But such factors do drive one nearer to premature old age.
Healthy mental outlook, constructive thinking, regular and timely meals, some sustainable physical activity, requisite rest, keeping oneself busy are some of the steps to a healthy living in advanced age. Control obesity, as far as possible. Do not lead an inactive and sedentary life, feel and be easy, but never easy-going and sloth.

On high attitudes people enjoy longer span of life, due to the fact that they enjoy fresh air, fruits, vegetables and pure water but, unfortunately, such gifts of nature are day-dreams for modern life due to pollution in air, water and all vegetations, Take diets which are not rich in fats and can be easily digested, like milk, fruit and vegetable juices. Avoid salt, at least a low salt diet. Actually low fat, low salt, low calorie diet is the best food for the aged. Eat only when you feel the urgency but, in no circumstance, stomach should be overloaded. Take daily fresh juice of one or two garlic cloves, preferably mixing with honey or else raw garlic clove (provided you are not allergic) may be taken daily on empty stomach. Onion juice or use of onion in any form will restore the lost energy, and garlic juice will serve as a restorative tonic. Yoghurt, lemon, soyabean milk, olive oil, amla (gooseberry), barley water, almond, apple cider vinegar, cod liver oil or capsules, organic vitamins, calcium should supplement nutrients missing in foods. Leavened food, ground nut oil, sunflower oil or corn oil should form basis for a cooking medium.
It is said that a ripe banana with milk, or whole wheat porridge with milk or corn flakes with milk is a balanced breakfast in the aging stage. During lunch, whole wheat chapati, boiled (better still, steam-boiled) vegetables and piece of seasonal fruit, salads, curd, is a well-balanced nutritional diet. Dinner should be quite light viz, cooked pulses, or whole wheat grain or whole wheat and gram (flour) mixed chapati, and some salad will serve the purpose. At the time of retiring to bed, try to have a glass of milk, but not tea or coffee or cocoa. In the indicated dietary menu, for the whole period of 24 hours, appropriate modifications may be made, as may be necessary in view of a person’s health/diseased condition. Any food, prohibited per medical advice, should never be taken. Instead suitably required food items may be substituted by other food items which can provide equal number of calorie based nutrients. Those, who cannot live without meats, are advised to avoid high carbohydrate based meats and, choice for a particular type of meat, should be based on health status of a person.
It does not matter much how much and what an aged persons eats, but it does matter how quickly he can digest the same, without creating any digestive problem like gas formation, acidity, eructations, heart burn and flatulence. Any food which irritates, and disturbs the digestive process, must be given up, at once. Likes for particular food items should never take precedence over actual requirements of body. Make sure, you do not have constipation or any food ingested should not cause loose motions either. A teaspoonful of Isabgole husk dissolve in lukewarm or hot milk will be a good device. In case of loose motions, Isabgole husk mixed with curd will do the job to cure and relieve diarrhoeal symptoms. An experienced aged person had suggested that if whole Isabgole (Red Coloured) is mixed with hot milk (5 gm of whole Isabgole mixed with 300-400 ml) will provide an excellent blood builder, health restorative and also serve as a general tonic but must be continued for 40-50 days.
Women are still a neglected lot, in so far as their health and general development is concerned, despite concerted efforts and much publicised welfare measures. The neglected condition of health and care of women is still a grim and stark reality in the rural areas. All efforts are made to deny them the conditions which are an imperative necessity for their very survival. Basic health care is still a far cry, despite the fact that women, at different stage, are required to discharge onerous responsibilities. Stress on their duties is far in excess of their rights. Woman is the pivot of family and social acts and obligations.
Following states of health conditions are most prominent in women and malnutrition or under-nutrition factors play an important role in most part of their life.
Puberty stage : When Young girls start menstruating.
Post puberty stage : from puberty to menopause
Pregnancy, progress and delivery, post-natal period, coupled with lactation factor.
Menstrual problems Menopausal syndrome. Or critical stage.
For young girls appearance of menses is a novel, shocking, agonising and often painful experience and all the complications become a confused entity in the absence of proper knowledge, guidance and monitoring. Young girls must be properly guided and all the factors should be explained to them by elderly ladies, doctors and other well wishers/confidants. Backache, scant or excessive bleeding or painful bleeding, headache, agitation, run-down condition, an ailing anguish, are some of the conditions which young girls, at the age of puberty, have to often combat. Loss of iron, calcium, potassium, vital and essential Vitamins are lost due to poor health and diet. Bleeding is a usual, natural and common symptom of menses. Proper guidance and education are the basic requisites which can dispel many wrong notions and misgivings. Following dietary suggestions may be tried, according to individual needs, making suitable modifications, wherever and whenever the condition demands.
Tea of thyme and yarrow herb should be given, preferably the latter, which can mitigate most of the problems as it regulates menses. Supplements of iron, (Iron tablets or/juice of spinach, carrot, beet root, tomato) brewer’s yeast and heavy calcium doses in the form of whole milk, cheese and yoghurt, calcium tablets. If there is swelling of hands and feet, Vitamin D will ameliorate the symptoms of oedema. It is said that Dolomite Tablets can make up the deficiency of calcium and magnesium.

Before anticipated period of onset of menses, mix 10 ml of Apple cider vinegar in a glass of water to be taken twice daily with major meals, but should be continued in advance, for 3-4 days. Prepare a poultice of ground thyme and apply externally to gain relief from painful menses. (Thyme also increases the quantity of milk in the breasts of nursing women).
To regulate menses grind the aniseed and mix some jaggery in equal quantity in some water. Boil the stuff and screen and drink when lukewarm. It will regulate menstrual flow and also menstrual periods. Chaulai Ka Saag (Green Amaranth) should be cooked just like any other vegetable and eaten with normal meals. It is a seasonal green vegetable whose roots should be dried and ground during season and boiled in water during the off-season. Juice of carrot or celery or parsley or tea of parsley also set in order menstrual disorders.
It is common phase in a woman’s life and should never be taken as a problem, rather it should be taken in its normal stride. There is no reason for any fear, psychic phobia or discomfort. Conception is a natural process of pregnancy and birth. The expectant mother and her child require nutritional, well-balanced, but not heavy diet. Diet is a natural way to keep up and maintain health of pregnant woman and her off-spring. There should neither be any panic or complacence or any sort of lopsided and casual approach. Neglect in health is fraught with horrible and damaging consequences. Care of mother will also result in proper care of the foetus. Proper, regular and well-balanced diet, with moderate exercise (walking being, by far, the best form of exercise). In case of yoga exercises it may be warned that no exercise (Asana) should ever be undertaken unless expressly ratified, guided and monitored by a yoga expert. Self-discretion may lead to serious complications, including excessive bleeding or even abortion. Following food items may be tried according to individual suitability. Hypertensive, diabetic, asthmatic, cancerous women must consult their doctors before starting on any recipe.
Cramps in pregnancy can be treated by taking 400 I.U. of vitamin E supplements. Folic acid/B- 12 will make up the deficiency caused by poor quality and low R.B.Cs. Healthy blood means a healthy mother and a healthy child., Amaranth, parsley and molasses ensure good health of infant and mother. Thyme, in pure or tea form, will facilitate normal and easy delivery. If there is morning sickness, during the period of pregnancy, it can be cured by herbal chamomile tea. Bananas or some snacks, taken in the morning, will no doubt relieve and cure symptom of morning sickness, in addition to relieving nausea.
Risk of abortion can be ruled out by taking 4-5 gms powdered ginger with Mulethi (licorice) in the hot milk, to be taken at night, Take, in sufficient quantity, beet, carrot, tomato, spinach juice, mixing some lemon juice and some table salt according to taste (optional only). In fruits, lime orange, apple, grapes, cherry may be taken according to taste, Mango juice (of fresh mangoes) mixed with milk (hot/cold) is a good blood builder. During summer, juicy fruits, which are rich in water content, like watermelon, muskmelon, coconut (green) water will help to keep away heat, liquify urine and also cause its free flow. If jaggery is mixed with peanuts (roasted) and taken with cow’s milk it will help in maintaining general well being and healthy condition of both the mother and her off-spring.
Confined mothers are advised against any fall, jerks, jumps, sudden traumas, mental sickness. They should eat only easily digestible food items which should not be overladen with fats, salt, spices. Avoid any outside eatable if you want not to contract any infection. More emphasis should be laid on high calorie diet which should be a blend of well balanced essentials of high carbohydrate and proteins, with low fat, low salt, rich in vitamins, minerals, some affordable fruits, leafy and green vegetables. Dietary deficiencies should be supplemented by suitable medicines. Main purpose should be, not to starve the mother, in respect of proper food and medicines, or else the mother and child, being undernourished, will be having poor health and weak mind.
Lactation & Breasts
After the birth of child, women generally have hanging, fluffy and pendulous breasts which at times, have pains also, especially when the child sucks nipples. In addition, breasts got deshaped, and for shapely breasts the paste of pomegranate rind levied with honey may be applied to the pendulous breasts, and washed with lukewarm water, after the same has dried up. Peanut oil and almond oil, be massaged on breasts for fine shape but, in order to derive optimum benefit, massaging process should be continued till desired objective is attained.

For increasing milk, cumin seeds, should be pounded and reduced to powder. It should be taken with fresh water or hot milk. Alfalfa juice is a useful ingredient for increasing milk. It can be taken in, sprouted tea or juice form. Raw papaya, in any form, is equally useful. Fenugreek seeds in gruel form also help to increase milk in nursing mothers. Potatoes, baked or roasted with their skins on, also increase milk in breasts. Parsley, amaranth and black gram dal are also useful for the purpose. It is not that all nursing women will respond favourably to all the above mentioned ingredients but a fair trial, to confirm suitability in an individual case, is all that is desired. As for local applications for shapeliness and hardness of breasts, allergy and sensitivity factors should not be ruled out.
Menopause Syndrome
Normal Menstrual period is 30-35 years, from the year of puberty (onset of menses). For some ladies both, puberty and menopause, are very painful, agonising and disturbing phases. Duration varies from woman to woman, and so do the symptoms and attendant complications. General symptoms may be mentioned as pain in back and loins, excessive bleeding, hazy look, depressed spirits, agitated temperament, mood variations, mental agitation, anorexia, constipation, dislike and distaste for food. Some ladies may be having all, some having a few of the above mentioned symptoms. During this critical period complete rest, digestible, well-balanced, nutritious diet is essential. It is no use to brood over disorders, rather one should try to keep happy calm and quiet, have plenty of rest (but never lead a sedentary life style).
As for diet, it should consist of light breakfast, consisting of milk with porridge or corn-flakes, one or two buttered slices of bread, one piece of seasonal fruit. Lunch should be of salads, green and leafy vegetables, lemon, a chapati or so of whole gram flour or whole wheat floor. In the evening tea, have protein rich dry fruits like cashew nuts, almonds, peanuts, ground nuts (roasted), sweet biscuits and a cup of horlicks, mixed with milk or any cold drink in the form of some fruit juice.
Menopause cannot be averted but, with due care and caution, its side effects can be controlled. Royal jelly, molasses, wheat germ oil, yerrow herbal tea should be tried. Meat eating women should avoid red meats. Smoking, drinking, strong spices, highly fried and fat-cooked vegetables should be ruled out. Ripe papaya will not allow constipation to set in M.V. Iron and calcium tablets should be taken to supplement the dietary deficiencies in such dietary items.

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